Using Data Generators

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Using TestComplete, you can generate test values of different types and then store these values to TestComplete variables or Excel files. This approach lets you avoid creating the data storages that will contain test data manually, and you do not have to populate these storages with the data manually. For more information on preparing test data, see Preparing Data for Data-Driven Testing.

This section contains detailed information explaining how you can generate test data using TestComplete. It also describes how you can use predefined generators (data types) that are available in TestComplete and how you can create user-defined generators.

In This Section

Data Generator Wizard

Describes the wizard that assists you in generating test data for your data-driven tests directly from TestComplete.

Generate Data Dialog

Describes the wizard that assists you in generating test data from some other TestComplete dialogs and wizards. For example, using this dialog, you can generate test data directly from the Data-Driven Loop operation’s wizard.


Contains detailed information on the generators that are available in TestComplete and the list of parameters available for each generator type.

Working With User-Defined Data Generators

Describes how to create and work with user-defined generators from TestComplete.

Tips on Generating Typical Values

Describes how you can use the TestComplete data generator to generate typical test data. For example, how to generate random passwords, sentences and so on.

See Also

Data-Driven Testing
Working With Databases
Working with Microsoft Excel Files
Data-Driven Loop Operation

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