Web Comparison Element Editor

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Web Comparison elements of the WebTesting collection store HTML data that will be used for web page comparison. To view the stored data and modify comparison settings, use the Web Comparison Element editor.

This section contains information on the Web Comparison Element editor and on how to use it to view and modify stored web pages.

In This Section

About Web Comparison Element Editor

Contains general information on the Web Comparison Element editor.

Web Comparison Element Editor Contents

Describes the stored data and the comparison settings you can view and modify in the editor.

Working With the Web Comparison Element Editor

Describes the most common tasks you can accomplish in the editor.

Related Topics of Interest

About Web Comparison Checkpoints

Describes how to create checkpoints that compare web pages.

Default Web Testing

Describes how to test web pages in TestComplete.

About Web Accessibility Checkpoints

Describes how to create checkpoints that validate web pages.


Describes how you can change docking in TestComplete.

Customizing TestComplete

Describes how you can customize the TestComplete panel layout.

See Also

About WebTesting Collection

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