
Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Specifies the pen’s draw mode.


Read-Write Property String
TPenObj     A TPen object  


The Mode property specifies the draw mode of the pen represented by the given TPen object. It specifies how the pen modifies the background color of the canvas that it is drawing on.

Property Value

One of the following string values:

Value Description
pmBlack The pen lines and canvas background are always black.
pmWhite The pen lines and canvas background are always black.
pmNop The pen lines are not drawn.
pmNot The canvas’s background color is inversed.
pmCopy The pen lines' color is specified by the Color property.
pmNotCopy The pen lines' color is inversed.
pmMergePenNot The resulting pen color is the combination (logical OR) of the pen color and the inversed color of the canvas background.
pmMaskPenNot The resulting pen color is the combination (logical AND) of the pen color and the inversed color of the canvas background.
pmMergeNotPen The resulting pen color is the combination (logical OR) of the inversed pen color and the canvas background color.
pmMaskNotPen The resulting pen color is the combination (logical AND) of the inversed pen color and the canvas background color.
pmMerge The resulting pen color is the combination (logical OR) of the pen color and the canvas background color.
pmNotMerge Inverse of “pmMerge”. The resulting pen color is the inverse of a combination (logical OR) of the pen color and the canvas background color.
pmMask The resulting pen color is the combination (logical AND) of the pen color and the canvas background color.
pmNotMask Inverse of “pmMask”. The resulting pen color is the inverse of a combination (logical AND) of the pen color and the canvas background color.
pmXor The resulting pen color is the combination (logical XOR) of colors present in the pen color or in the canvas background color, but not in both.
pmNotXor Inverse of “pmXor”. The resulting pen color is the inverse of the combination (logical XOR) of colors present in the pen color or in the canvas background color, but not in both.

See Also


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