OnEnter Event

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Occurs when a component receives the input focus.


OnEnter(Sender) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Variant

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:

TcxButton, TcxButtonEdit, TcxCalcEdit, TcxCheckBox, TcxComboBox, TcxCurrencyEdit, TcxDateEdit, TcxGroupBox, TcxLabel, TcxListBox, TcxMemo, TcxMRUEdit, TcxProgressBar, TcxRadioGroup, TcxSpinEdit, TcxTextEdit, TcxTimeEdit, TPanel


The OnEnter event occurs when a component receives the input focus. When the child component gets focus, the OnEnter event is first generated for the parent component and then for the child component. The OnEnter event does not occur when switching between a form and another window.

You can create an event handler for the OnEnter event to perform specific actions when a component becomes active.


The event has the following parameter:


Contains a reference to the user form component that has raised the event. That is, the component that has received the input focus.


When the component becomes active, events occur in the following order:

See Also

Handling Events in User Forms
OnClick Event
OnExit Event

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