OnButtonClick Event

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Occurs when the user presses a component’s button.

There are two variants of the event:


OnButtonClick(Sender) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Object
OnButtonClick(SenderAButtonIndex) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Object
AButtonIndex [in] Required Integer

Applies To

The event is used by the following components:

TcxMRUEdit, TcxButtonEdit


The first variant of the OnButtonClick event is used by the TcxMRUEdit component. The second variant is used by the TcxButtonEdit component.


The TcxMRUEdit component contains two buttons: the ellipsis button and the down-arrow button. The OnButtonClick event occurs when the user presses the component's ellipsis button. Create an OnButtonClick event handler to process pressing of the ellipsis button. For instance, if the TcxMRUEdit component is used to specify file names, the event handler will display the Open File dialog.


The event version used by the TcxMRUEdit component has the following parameters:


Contains a reference to the user form component that has raised the event.


The TcxButtonEdit component may contain several buttons. The OnButtonClick event occurs when the user presses any of these buttons. Create an OnButtonClick event handler to perform specific actions in response to pressing the button.


The event version used by the TcxButtonEdit component has the following parameters:


The user form component that raised the event.


The index (zero-based) of the button that was pressed.

See Also

Handling Events in User Forms
Count Property
OnPopup Event

Highlight search results