Log Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Log object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
CallStackSettings Provides scripting interfaces to settings that enables or disables the call stack tracing for methods that post messages to the log.
CheckpointCount Returns the number of checkpoint messages posted to the log by the current test item.
Enabled Specifies whether to allow the posting of folders and messages of all kinds to the test log.
ErrCount Returns the number of error messages posted to the log by the current test item.
EvnCount Returns the number of event messages posted to the log by the current test item.
FileCount Returns the number of file messages posted to the log by the current test item.
FolderCheckpointCount Returns the number of checkpoint messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderErrCount Returns the number of error messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderEvnCount Returns the number of event messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderFileAndLinkCount Returns the number of files and file links posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderImgCount Returns the number of image messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderMsgCount Returns the number of informative messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
FolderWrnCount Returns the number of warning messages posted to the specified log folder by the current test item.
ImgCount Returns the number of image messages posted to the log by the current test item.
LinkCount Returns the number of file link messages posted to the log by the current test item.
MsgCount Returns the number of information messages posted to the log by the current test item.
Path Returns the name of the file (including the path) that holds a list of test results.
WrnCount Returns the number of warning messages posted to the log by the current test item.

See Also

Log Object

Highlight search results