TestItem Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The TestItem object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
Count Returns the number of times the test item is to be run.
Description Returns the test item’s description.
ElementToBeRun Returns a TestItemElement object corresponding to the test run by the test item.
Enabled Returns whether the test item is to be executed during the project run.
ItemCount Returns the total number of child test items.
Iteration Returns the current iteration of the test item run.
Name Returns the test item’s name.
Parent Returns the parent test item.
StopOnError Specifies what TestComplete will do when an error occurs during a test run. Possible options: the test run will be stopped, the error will be ignored, the test item where the error occurred will be skipped.
StopOnException Specifies what TestComplete will do when an exception occurs during a test run. Possible options: the test will be stopped, the exception will be ignored, the test item where the error occurred will be skipped.
TestItem Returns the child test item specified by its index.
Timeout Returns the test item’s timeout value, in minutes.

See Also

TestItem Object (Specific to Project Object)

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