Resume Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021
The manual testing functionality is deprecated. Do not use it for creating new tests. It will be removed in a future TestComplete release.


The Resume method reads the data about the state of the suspended manual test and proceeds with the test from the step where it was interrupted.



ManualTestingObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a ManualTesting object
AClearResumeInfo [in]    Optional    Boolean Default value: True   
Result None

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameter:


Specifies whether to clear the data about the state of the suspended manual test after this test has been resumed. You can also delete this data using the ClearResumeInfo method.

Result Value



To generate data about the current state of your manual testing, call the Suspend method. To check whether a manual test has this data, use the CanResume method.

When a manual test is resumed its results are posted to a newly created log entry. That is, the results of the resumed test are not appended to the log of the suspended run.


The following code snippet starts executing a manual test. If the test is suspended during the execution, it suggests to resume the testing.

JavaScript, JScript

function Main()
  // Clears the resume information
  // Starts the manual testing


  while (ManualTests.NewManualTest.CanResume())
    var btnset = mkSet(mbYes, mbNo);
    // Confirms whether to resume the manual testing
    var res = MessageDlg("Manual Testing has been suspended. Resume?", mtConfirmation, btnset, 0);
    if (res == 6)
      // Resumes the manual testing
      Log.Message("You can resume the manual testing later");



def Main():
  # Clears the resume information
  # Starts the manual testing
  while ManualTests.NewManualTest.CanResume():
    btnset = mkSet(mbYes, mbNo)
    # Confirms whether to resume the manual testing
    res = MessageDlg("Manual Testing has been suspended. Resume?", mtConfirmation, btnset, 0)
    if res == 6:
      # Resumes the manual testing
      Log.Message("You can resume the manual testing later")


Sub Main

  ' Clears the resume information
  ' Starts the manual testing


  Do While ManualTests.NewManualTest.CanResume
    btnset = mkSet(mbYes, mbNo)
    ' Confirms whether to resume the manual testing
    res = MessageDlg("Manual Testing has been suspended. Resume?", mtConfirmation, btnset, 0)
    If res = 6 Then
      ' Resumes the manual testing
      Log.Message "You can resume the manual testing later"
      Exit Do
    End If

End Sub


procedure Main();
var btnset, res;
  // Clears the resume information
  // Starts the manual testing


  while ManualTests.NewManualTest.CanResume do
    btnset := mkSet(mbYes, mbNo);
    // Confirms whether to resume the manual testing
    res := MessageDlg('Manual Testing has been suspended. Resume?', mtConfirmation, btnset, 0);
    if res = 6 then
      // Resumes the manual testing
      Log.Message('You can resume the manual testing later');


C++Script, C#Script

function Main()
  // Clears the resume information
  // Starts the manual testing


  while (ManualTests["NewManualTest"]["CanResume"]())
    var btnset = mkSet(mbYes, mbNo);
    // Confirms whether to resume the manual testing
    var res = MessageDlg("Manual Testing has been suspended. Resume?", mtConfirmation, btnset, 0);
    if (res == 6)
      // Resumes the manual testing
      Log["Message"]("You can resume the manual testing later");


See Also

CanResume Method
Suspend Method
Executing Manual Tests

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