Utilities Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Utilities object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
CurrencyDecimals * Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point in currency values.
CurrencyFormat * Specifies the format string that is used for converting positive currency values to strings.
CurrencyString * Specifies the character (or characters) used as the currency symbol(s).
DateSeparator * Specifies the character separating year, month and day in date values.
DecimalSeparator * Specifies the character that is used as a separator between integer and fractional parts of a float number.
ListSeparator * Specifies the character that is used to separate items in lists.
LongDateFormat * Specifies the format string used to convert a date value to a string.
LongTimeFormat * Specifies the format string that is used to convert time values to a string.
MSecsPerDay Returns the number of milliseconds in a 24-hour day.
NegCurrFormat * Specifies the format string used to convert negative currency values to strings.
SecsPerDay Returns the number of seconds in a 24-hour day.
ShortDateFormat * Specifies the format string that is used to convert a date value to a short string.
ShortTimeFormat * Specifies the format string used to convert time values to a string that contains only hours and minutes.
ThousandSeparator * Specifies the character used to separate digits in numbers that have more than three digits before the decimal point.
TimeAMString * Specifies the suffix part of time values between midnight and noon in the 12-hour format.
TimePMString * Specifies the suffix part of time values between noon and midnight in the 12-hour format.
TimeSeparator * Specifies the character that is used to separate hours, minutes and seconds in a time value.
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Specifies the integer value used to convert strings to date and time values.
Win32BuildNumber Returns the version of the operating system.
Win32CSDVersion Returns a string with additional information on the operating system.
Win32MajorVersion Returns the major version number of the operating system on which TestComplete is running.
Win32MinorVersion Returns the minor version number of the operating system on which TestComplete is running.
Win32Platform Returns a constant that identifies the type of the Win32 system.

To restore default values of the properties marked with *, use the Utilities.GetFormatSettings function.

See Also

Utilities Object

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