BuiltIn.MessageDlg Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021


The MessageDlg function displays a dialog box with the specified message and buttons.

This method is available if the BuiltIn plugin is installed and enabled. The plugin is installed and enabled by default.



Param1 [in]    Required    String    
Param2 [in]    Required    Integer    
Param3 [in]    Required    Byte    
Param4 [in]    Required    Integer    
Result Integer

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameters:


The message to be displayed.


Indicates the message box type. It can be any of the following constants:

Constant Description
mtWarning The message box will contain the exclamation point icon.
mtError The message box will contain the red stop icon.
mtInformation The message box will contain the information icon.
mtConfirmation The message box will contain the question mark icon.
mtCustom The message box will not contain any bitmap.


Specifies the buttons to be displayed in the message box. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:

Constant Description Constant Description
mbYes "Yes" button mbAll "All" button
mbNo "No" button mbYesToAll "Yes to All" button
mbOK "OK" button mbNoToAll "No to All" button
mbCancel "Cancel" button mbHelp "Help" button
mbAbort "Ignore" button mbYesNoCancel "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" buttons
mbRetry "Retry" button mbOKCancel "OK" and "Cancel" buttons
mbIgnore "Ignore" button mbAbortRetryIgnore "Abort", "Retry" and "Ignore" buttons

To specify the Param3 parameter, you should create a set value using the MkSet function (see the example below). Use of MkSet is obligatory. You are not allowed to skip it.


This parameter is reserved.

Result Value

The MessageDlg function returns one of the constants that indicates which button the user pressed in the message box:

mrYes mrAll mrYesToAll
mrNo mrAbort mrNoToAll
mrOK mrRetry  
mrCancel mrIgnore  


The following code demonstrates calling the MessageDlg function in scripts:

JavaScript, JScript

function TestDialog()
  var i;
  i = MkSet(mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbCancel);
  i = MessageDlg("Message text", mtConfirmation, i, 0);


def TestDialog():
  i = MkSet(mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbCancel)
  i = MessageDlg("Message text", mtConfirmation, i, 0)


Sub TestDialog
  i = MkSet(mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbCancel)
  i = MessageDlg("Message text", mtConfirmation, i, 0)
End Sub


procedure TestDialog;
  i : OleVariant;
  i := MkSet(mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbCancel);
  i := MessageDlg('Message text', mtConfirmation, i, 0);

C++Script, C#Script

function TestDialog()
  var i;
  i = MkSet(mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbCancel);
  i = MessageDlg("Message text", mtConfirmation, i, 0);

See Also

InputBox Method
InputQuery Method
ShowMessage Method
MkSet Function

Highlight search results