aqHttpResponse.StatusCode Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021


Use the StatusCode property to get the status code of an HTTP response returned by the aqHttpRequest.Send method.

Note: This property is identical to the Status property of the IWinHttpRequest interface.



Read-Only Property Integer

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The status code of the HTTP response.

For a list of possible values, see the description of the aqHttpStatusCodes object.


The value of this property is valid only after successful completion of the Send method call.


The example below demonstrates how you can use the aqHttp object to create an HTTP GET request and send it to get a response from the server. To work with the created request, the code uses the aqHttpRequest object. To work with the server response, the sample code uses the aqHttpResponse object:

JavaScript, JScript

function httpGetRequest()
  var address = "";

  // Create an aqHttpRequest object
  var aqHttpRequest = aqHttp.CreateGetRequest(address);

  // Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object
  var aqHttpResponse = aqHttpRequest.Send();

  if (aqHttpResponse != null)
    // Read the response data
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.AllHeaders); // All headers
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.GetHeader("Content-Type")); // A specific header
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusCode); // A status code
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusText); // A status text
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.Text); // A response body
    // Save the response body to a file and place it to the project folder
    aqHttpResponse.SaveToFile(Project.Path + "body.txt");


def httpGetRequest():
  address = ""

  # Create an aqHttpRequest object
  aqHttpRequest = aqHttp.CreateGetRequest(address)

  # Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object
  aqHttpResponse = aqHttpRequest.Send()

  if aqHttpResponse != None:
    # Read the response data
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.AllHeaders) # All headers
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.GetHeader("Content-Type")) # A specific header
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusCode) # A status code
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusText) # A status text
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.Text) # A response body
    # Save the response body to a file and place it to the project folder
    aqHttpResponse.SaveToFile(Project.Path + "body.txt")


Sub httpGetRequest
  Dim address, aqHttpRequest, aqHttpResponse
  address = ""

  ' Create an aqHttpRequest object
  Set aqHttpRequest = aqHttp.CreateGetRequest(address)

  ' Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object
  Set aqHttpResponse = aqHttpRequest.Send()

  If Not aqHttpResponse Is Nothing Then
    ' Read the response data
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.AllHeaders) ' All headers
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.GetHeader("Content-Type")) ' A specific header
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusCode) ' A status code
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusText) ' A status text
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.Text) ' A response body

    ' Save the response body to a file and place it to the project folder
    aqHttpResponse.SaveToFile(Project.Path & "body.txt")
  End If
End Sub


function httpGetRequest;
var address, aqHttpRequest, aqHttpResponse;
  address := '';

  // Create an aqHttpRequest object
  aqHttpRequest := aqHttp.CreateGetRequest(address);

  // Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object
  aqHttpResponse := aqHttpRequest.Send();

  if aqHttpResponse <> nil then
    // Read the response data
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.AllHeaders); // All headers
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.GetHeader('Content-Type')); // A specific header
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusCode); // A status code
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.StatusText); // A status text
    Log.Message(aqHttpResponse.Text); // A response body

    // Save the response body to a file and place it to the project folder
    aqHttpResponse.SaveToFile(Project.Path + 'body.txt');

C++Script, C#Script

function httpGetRequest()
  var address = "";

  // Create an aqHttpRequest object
  var aqHttpRequest = aqHttp["CreateGetRequest"](address);

  // Send the request, get an aqHttpResponse object
  var aqHttpResponse = aqHttpRequest["Send"]();

  if (aqHttpResponse != null)
    // Read the response data
    Log["Message"](aqHttpResponse["AllHeaders"]); // All headers
    Log["Message"](aqHttpResponse["GetHeader"]("Content-Type")); // A specific header
    Log["Message"](aqHttpResponse["StatusCode"]); // A status code
    Log["Message"](aqHttpResponse["StatusText"]); // A status text
    Log["Message"](aqHttpResponse["Text"]); // A response body
    // Save the response body to a file and place it to the project folder
    aqHttpResponse["SaveToFile"](Project["Path"] + "body.txt");

See Also

AllHeaders Property
StatusText Property
Text Property

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