Using TestComplete on Cloud Computers

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021


You can create and run TestComplete tests on cloud computers. However, to use them, you need to configure the license server and license settings.

Possible issues

A TestComplete license is bound to the computer where you activated this license (to the computer’s MAC address, CPU ID, the virtual machine’s UUID). Cloud computers are virtual machines. When you activate licenses on them, they are bound to the physical computers where these virtual machines are running. The hardware properties (like CPU ID) can change after you restart you cloud computer, so the TestComplete License Manager will treat this situation as machine cloning and will prevent the product run.


Trial licenses

TestComplete trial licenses are Node-Locked licenses of a special type. They can be activated and used on virtual and cloud machines. That is, you can activate a TestComplete trial license on cloud computers and evaluate TestComplete there.

In certain cases, TestComplete might consider activating a trial license on a cloud machine as a license misuse. In this case, you can try any of the following:

  • Use the same license key to activate the license on a physical PC or on a virtual (non-cloud) computer. This is possible if you have not activated the key on any computer yet. If the activation has passed, the key cannot be used again.

    – or –

  • Request another trial license on our website.

    – or –

  • Contact your SmartBear Sales Representative for help.

Commercial licenses

Node-Locked licenses

Commercial Node-Locked licenses of TestComplete cannot be activated on cloud computers. You need to use a Floating User license. See below. Сontact the SmartBear Sales Team on upgrading your Node-Locked license to the Floating User one.

Floating User licenses
  1. Activate a Floating User license on some physical computer in your network.

  2. Configure the license settings on the cloud machines so that the TestComplete and TestExecute instances that run in the cloud can use the Floating User license you activated.

    Cloud machines often run outside your local network. They need to connect to the License Manager PC in your local network.

    Option 1
    1. Create a virtual private network (VPN) to make the License Manager PC and TestComplete instances work as if they belong to the same local network.

    2. If needed, modify the search settings on the cloud computers so that they search for a license on the License Manager PC. See Using TestComplete in Virtual Private Networks for details.

      When specifying the License Manager PC in the search settings, use the computer name rather than the IP address, if possible. This will simplify the settings in networks that use dynamic IP addresses.

    Option 2
    1. Assign a permanent public IP address to the License Manager PC.

    2. On every cloud computer where TestComplete will run, open the search settings of the TestComplete licensing subsystem and specify the License Manager’s IP address. See Specifying License Manager for Connection for details.

    Private Clouds

    Private cloud machines can already be in the same network in which the License Manager PC is located. In this case, on cloud computers, you need to open the search settings of the TestComplete licensing subsystem and specify the License Manager’s computer name or IP address. See Specifying License Manager for Connection.

    Note: Using the computer name is preferable if your network uses dynamic IP addresses.

Contact SmartBear

If you have questions or need help with using TestComplete in the cloud, contact SmartBear.

See Also

General Questions
Using TestComplete in WAN
Specifying License Manager for Connection
TestComplete License Types

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