
Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021


TestComplete provides scripting access to BDD features and scenarios in your project.

The top-level object from which you start is Features. It provides access to the collection of Feature elements defined in your project, and contains two methods – Count and Item – for iterating through this collection.

Members of the Features object in Code Completion

The Features.Item(...) property provides a scripting interface to individual features defined in your project. This Feature object has the following members:

Members of the Feature object in Code Completion
  • The Name and Description properties return the name and description of the feature (Name is the text of the first string after the Feature: element, Description is text of other strings).

  • The Run method runs the feature from script code.

  • The Tags property provides access to the tags assigned to the feature (you can use tags to organize and run features and scenarios). This property is a collection object with the following properties and methods:

    Members of the Tags collection in Code Completion
  • The Scenarios property is a collection of scripting objects that correspond to scenarios defined in the feature.

    Each item of this collection has the following methods and properties:

    Members of the Scenario object in Code Completion
    • The Name and Description properties return the name and description of the scenario.

    • The Run method runs the scenario from script code.

    • The Tags property provides access to the tags assigned to the scenario.

Let’s see how you can use these objects, methods and properties in your script tests.

Example 1 - Run a feature by name

The following code finds a feature by a substring in its name and runs this feature. Similarly, you can find a feature by a substring in its description:

JavaScript, JScript

function runFeatureByName(phrase) {
  // Iterate through features
  for (i = 0; i < Features.Count; i++) {
    var name = Features.Item(i).Name;
    // Check the feature name
    if (name.indexOf(phrase) >= 0)
    // You can also pass the entire feature name and
    // compare it using code like
    // if (name == phrase) ...


def runFeatureByName(phrase):
  # Iterate through features
  for i in range(0, Features.Count):
    name = Features.Item[i].Name
    # Check the feature name
    if aqString.Find(name, phrase) >= 0 :
    # You can also pass the entire feature name and
    # compare it using code like
    # if (name == phrase) ...


Sub runFeatureByName(phrase)
  ' Iterate through features
  For i = 0 To Features.Count - 1
    name = Features.Item(i).Name
    ' Check the feature name
    If aqString.Find(name, phrase) >= 0 Then
      ' You can also pass the entire feature name and
      ' compare it using code like
      ' If (name = phrase) Then ...
    End If
End Sub


  // DelphiScript does not support BDD tests.

C++Script, C#Script

function runFeatureByName(phrase) {
  // Iterate through features
  for (i = 0; i < Features["Count"]; i++) {
    var name = Features["Item"](i)["Name"];
    // Check the feature name
    if (name.indexOf(phrase) >= 0)
    // You can also pass the entire feature name and
    // compare it using code like
    // if (name == phrase) ...

Example 2 - Run a scenario by name

The following code finds a feature and a scenario by substrings in their names (phrase1 is a substring in the feature name, phrase2 is a substring in the scenario name), and then runs the found scenario:

JavaScript, JScript

function runScenarioByName(phrase1, phrase2) {
  // Iterate through features
  for (i = 0; i < Features.Count; i++) {
    var name = Features.Item(i).Name;
    // Check the feature name
    if (name.indexOf(phrase1) >= 0) {
      // Iterate through scenarios
      for (j = 0; j < Features.Item(i).Scenarios.Count - 1; j++) {
        var scenarioName = Features.Item(i).Scenarios.Item(j).Name;
        // Check the scenario name
        if (scenarioName.indexOf(phrase2) >= 0)


def runScenarioByName(phrase1, phrase2):
  # Iterate through features
  for i in range(0, Features.Count):
    name = Features.Item[i].Name
    # Check the feature name
    if aqString.Find(name, phrase1) >= 0 :
      # Iterate through scenarios
      for j in range(0, Features.Item[i].Scenarios.Count):
        scenarioName = Features.Item[i].Scenarios.Item[j].Name
        # Check the scenario name
        if aqString.Find(scenarioName, phrase2) >= 0 :


Sub runScenarioByName(phrase1, phrase2)
  ' Iterate through features
  For i = 0 To Features.Count - 1
    name = Features.Item(i).Name
    ' Check the feature name
    If aqString.Find(name, phrase1) >= 0 Then
      ' Iterate through scenarios
      For j = 0 To Features.Item(i).Scenarios.Count - 1
        scenarioName = Features.Item(i).Scenarios.Item(j).Name
        ' Check the scenario name
        If aqString.Find(scenarioName, phrase2) >= 0 Then
        End If
    End If
End Sub


  // DelphiScript does not support BDD tests.

C++Script, C#Script

function runScenarioByName(phrase1, phrase2) {
  // Iterate through features
  for (i = 0; i < Features["Count"]; i++) {
    var name = Features["Item"](i)["Name"];
    // Check the feature name
    if (name.indexOf(phrase1) >= 0) {
      // Iterate through scenarios
      for (j = 0; j < Features["Item"](i)["Scenarios"]["Count"] - 1; j++) {
        var scenarioName = Features["Item"](i)["Scenarios"]["Item"](j)["Name"];
        // Check the scenario name
        if (scenarioName.indexOf(phrase2) >= 0)

Example 3 - Run by tag

See the example in the description of tags.

See Also

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) With TestComplete
Run BDD Tests

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