Mobile Screen Window Toolbar

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The toolbar of the Mobile Screen contains the following items:

Item Description Available on 


Scales the view at your desire or displays the window in the size of the mobile device.

Android devices

iOS devices

 Record Gesture

Starts recording a multi-touch event (gesture). See Recording Gestures (Multi-Touch Events).

Android devices


 Select Gesture

Shows a list of recorded multi-touch events (gestures) and plays back the selected gesture. See Executing Gestures (Multi-Touch Events).

Android devices


 Add Image

Adds an image of a control or screen region to the image repository of your project. See Image-Based Testing.

Android devices

iOS devices


Shows a list of mobile devices or virtual machines that are connected to your computer. Select a device from the list to view its screen in the Mobile Screen window.

Android devices

iOS devices

Run Apps

Starts one of the tested iOS applications or tested Android applications added to your project’s Tested Applications collection. Select the application to run from the drop-down menu.

Note: This button is disabled if the project does not contain any tested applications, or if the appropriate files are not found on the computer.

If the application’s Deploy to the device on start parameter is enabled, TestComplete first installs the application and then launches it.

Android devices

iOS devices

 Take Screenshot

Takes a screenshot of the device’s screen and saves it to a .png or .bmp file.

Android devices

iOS devices

 Install Android Agent

Installs the TestComplete Android Agent on the connected device.

Android devices


 Rotate Left

Turns the image counterclockwise, so that its top moves to the left.

Note: This does not change the device’s screen orientation.

Android devices


 Rotate Right

Turns the image clockwise, so that its top moves to the right.

Note: This does not change the device’s screen orientation.

Android devices


See Also

Mobile Screen Window
Image-Based Testing
Simulating Gestures (Multi-Touch Events)
Mobile Screen Window Footer

Highlight search results