Working With Files on an Android Device

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

You can work with files on an Android device using the methods of the FileSystemManager object. You can copy files to and from the device, delete them, find files or folders and check if a file exists. This is useful if your application produces some output or modifies a file that may later be analyzed on the computer.

Considerations for Working With the FileSystemManager Object

  • There are two types of storages on Android devices - external and internal.

    • External storage– this storage is available to the user. The user can modify any files and folders in it.

      Note: An external storage is not necessarily a removable storage device.
    • Internal storage– this storage contains Android system files and installed applications. Android does not allow saving files to this storage. However, if you have root permissions, you can execute the chmod 777 /foldername/ command to provide full access to the specified folder.

  • Android's FileSystemManager object uses case-sensitive file names. This means that /data/local/tmp/ and /Data/Local/Tmp/ are two different paths. Using a wrong case will cause an error.

Working With Files on a Mobile Device in Keyword Tests

In keyword tests, use the Call Object Method operation to call an object's methods. To configure this operation:

  • Add the Call Object Method operation to your keyword test. TestComplete will display the Operation Parameters wizard.

  • Enter Mobile.Device("MyDevice").FileSystemManager as the object name and click Next.

  • Select the method you want to use and click Next.

  • Depending on the method you chose, the following fields are displayed:

    • PathOnTheHost is used to specify the path to a file located on the computer for Copy methods.

    • PathOnTheDevice is used to specify the path to a file located on the device for Copy methods.

    • Path is used to specify the path to a file to check if it exists or to delete it.

    • FileMask is used to specify a mask when searching for a file.

    • FolderMask is used to specify a mask when searching for a folder.

    Enter the appropriate values and click Finish

The screenshot below demonstrates a keyword test that copies a file to the connected device, runs a test, copies the resulting file from the device to the computer and deletes the original file from the device.

Working with files on the mobile device

Working With Files on a Mobile Device in Script Tests

When working with the FileSystemManager object in scripts, you can call its methods directly. The example below copies a file to the connected device, then copies the resulting file from the device to the computer and deletes the original file.

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()
  var PathOnHost = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\TestComplete 11 Samples\\Desktop\\Orders\\";
  var PathOnDevice = "/data/local/tmp/";
  var FileName = "MyTable.tbl";
  Mobile.Device().FileSystemManager.CopyToDevice(PathOnHost+FileName, PathOnDevice);
  // Do something
  Mobile.Device().FileSystemManager.CopyFromDevice(PathOnDevice+FileName, PathOnHost);


def Test():
  Mobile.SetCurrent("Nexus 7");
  PathOnHost = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\TestComplete 11 Samples\\Desktop\\Orders\\";
  PathOnDevice = "/data/local/tmp/";
  FileName = "MyTable.tbl";
  Log.Message(Mobile.Device().FileSystemManager.CopyToDevice(PathOnHost+FileName, PathOnDevice));
  # Do something
  Mobile.Device().FileSystemManager.CopyFromDevice(PathOnDevice+FileName, PathOnHost);


Sub Test()

  Dim PathOnHost, PathOnDevice, FileName
  pathOnHost = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\TestComplete 11 Samples\Desktop\Orders\"
  pathOnDevice = "/data/local/tmp/"
  FileName = "MyTable.tbl"
  Call Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.CopyToDevice(pathOnHost&FileName, pathOnDevice)

  'Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.CopyToDevice(PathOnHost&File, PathOnDevice)
  ' Do something
  Call Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.CopyFromDevice(pathOnDevice&FileName, pathOnHost)
  Call Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.Delete(pathOnDevice&FileName)
End Sub


procedure Test();
  PathOnHost, PathOnDevice, FileName;
  PathOnHost := 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\TestComplete 11 Samples\Desktop\Orders\';
  PathOnDevice := '/data/local/tmp/';
  FileName := 'MyTable.tbl';
  Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.CopyToDevice(PathOnHost+FileName, PathOnDevice);
  // Do something
  Mobile.Device.FileSystemManager.CopyFromDevice(PathOnDevice+FileName, PathOnHost);

C++Script, C#Script

function Test()
  var PathOnHost = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\TestComplete 11 Samples\\Desktop\\Orders\\";
  var PathOnDevice = "/data/local/tmp/";
  var FileName = "MyTable.tbl";
  Mobile["Device"].FileSystemManager["CopyToDevice"](PathOnHost+FileName, PathOnDevice);
  // Do something
  Mobile["Device"].FileSystemManager["CopyFromDevice"](PathOnDevice+FileName, PathOnHost);

See Also

AndroidDesktop Object

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