Working With Android Device Settings During Test Run

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

In your tests, you may need to check how the application works on devices with different settings setup. This topic describes how you can access the device settings during the test run.

Available Options

TestComplete provides the following methods and properties to access the device's settings:

In order for TestComplete to work with these options, TestComplete Android Agent must be installed and running on the device.
Method or property Possible actions
AllowMockLocations Gets or sets "AllowMockLocations" developer setting status. Read/Write. Boolean.
BluetoothEnabled Gets or sets Bluetooth status. Read/Write. Boolean.
ChangeLocale Sets the locale of the device.
CurrentLocaleName Gets the name of the current locale. Read only. String.
GPSEnabled Gets or sets GPS status. Read/Write. Boolean.
WiFiEnabled Gets or sets Wi-Fi status. Read/Write. Boolean.


  • All properties that return boolean data type return True if the setting is enabled and False otherwise.

  • The locale name specified by the ChangeLocale method must be available on the device and follow the ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-1 standards.

Working With Device Settings From Keyword Tests

To work with the device's settings in keyword tests, call the required method by using the Call Object Method, Run Code Snippet or Run Script Routine operations.

Changing device properties from keyword test

Working With Device Settings From Scripts

Changing Settings

If the setting you want to change corresponds to the read/write property in TestComplete, you can assign the required value to it. For example:

JavaScript, JScript

Mobile.Device().GPS.AllowMockLocations = true;


Mobile.Device().GPS.AllowMockLocations = True;


Mobile.Device.GPS.AllowMockLocations = true


Mobile.Device.GPS.AllowMockLocations := true;

C++Script, C#Script

Mobile["Device"].GPS["AllowMockLocations"] = true;

If the setting corresponds to the read only property in TestComplete, you can use the method that changes it. For example:

JavaScript, JScript

Mobile.Device().ChangeLocale("en", "GB");


Mobile.Device().ChangeLocale("en", "GB");


Call Mobile.Device.ChangeLocale("en", "GB")


Mobile.Device.ChangeLocale('en', 'GB');

C++Script, C#Script

Mobile["Device"]["ChangeLocale"]("en", "GB");

Checking Settings

You can check the current state of the setting during your test run and act accordingly. For example:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()
  Mobile.SetCurrent("MI 2")
  if (Mobile.Device().Connections.WiFiEnabled)
    Log.Message("WiFi is enabled")
    Log.Message("WiFi is disabled")


def Test():
  Mobile.SetCurrent("MI 2")
  if (Mobile.Device().Connections.WiFiEnabled):
    Log.Message("WiFi is enabled")
    Log.Message("WiFi is disabled")


Sub Test()
  Mobile.SetCurrent("MI 2")
  If Mobile.Device.Connections.WiFiEnabled Then
    Log.Message("WiFi is enabled")
    Log.Message("WiFi is disabled")
  End If
End Sub


procedure Test();
  Mobile.SetCurrent('MI 2');
  if Mobile.Device.Connections.WiFiEnabled then
    Log.Message('WiFi is enabled')
    Log.Message('WiFi is disabled')

C++Script, C#Script

function Test()
  Mobile["SetCurrent"]("MI 2")
  if (Mobile["Device"].Connections["WiFiEnabled"])
    Log["Message"]("WiFi is enabled")
    Log["Message"]("WiFi is disabled")

See Also

About Testing Android Applications

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