Capturing Screenshots of a Mobile Device's Screen

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Test Visualizer can automatically capture screenshots of your Android and iOS applications during test recording and test runs. You can also insert certain test operations into your tests to capture screenshots at any time you need.

Capturing Screenshots of a Mobile Device's Screen in Keyword Tests

In keyword tests, use the Post Screenshot operation to add a screenshot of your mobile device’s screen to the test log:

  • Add the Post Screenshot operation to your test. TestComplete will show the Operation Parameters wizard.

  • On the first page of the wizard, do one of the following:

    • Enter Aliases.device.Desktop as the object name if you use Name Mapping or Mobile.Device.Desktop if you do not use it.

    • Select the object you want to capture in the Mobile Screen window.

    Click Next.

  • Enter the screenshot title that will appear in the test log and click Finish.

Capturing mobile device screenshots in keyword tests

Capturing Screenshots of a Mobile Device's Screen in Scripts

In scripts, you can capture screenshots of a mobile device's screen using the Picture method:

  • To take a screenshot, use the Picture method of the Aliases.device.Desktop object if you use Name Mapping or the Mobile.Device.Desktop object if you do not use it.

  • To take a screenshot of a specific object, use the Picture method of that object.

The example below demonstrates how to capture screenshots on a mobile device:

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()
  var Picture = Mobile.Device().Desktop.Picture();
  Log.Picture(Picture, "Device screenshot");


def Test():
  Picture = Mobile.Device().Desktop.Picture();
  Log.Picture(Picture, "Device screenshot");


Sub Test
  Dim Picture
  Call Mobile.SetCurrent("MyDevice")
  Set Picture = Mobile.Device.Desktop.Picture
  Call Log.Picture(Picture, "Device screenshot")
End Sub


procedure Test;
var Picture;
  Picture := Mobile.Device.Desktop.Picture;
  Log.Picture(Picture, 'Device screenshot');

C++Script, C#Script

function Test()
  var Picture = Mobile["Device"]["Desktop"]["Picture"]();
  Log["Picture"](Picture, "Device screenshot");

See Also

Picture Method (Mobile Objects)
Picture Method (Mobile Objects)
AndroidDesktop Object
iOSDesktop Object

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