About Tested Android Applications

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

Each test project can operate with one or several Android applications under test. To specify applications to be tested by the project and set application parameters that will affect the testing process, you need to add the desired Android applications to the Tested Applications collection of the project.

Android applications are installed from the packages (.apk files) that can reside in the local or network folder. For more information on adding Android applications to the Tested Applications collection, see Adding Android Applications to the List of Tested Applications.

After you have added the desired application package, you can configure its launch parameters in the TestedApps editor:

An Android Application in the TestedApps Editor

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can run the applications from the Tested Applications collection directly from the TestComplete IDE or from your keyword tests and scripts.

Note that the application should be installed to the device before you can run it. You can install the application manually or automatically every time the application is launched. For more information, see Starting Tested Android Applications and Installing Packages on Devices.

See Also

About Tested Applications
Installing Packages on Devices
Starting Tested Android Applications
Working With Tested Android Applications

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