Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern Wizard

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021

Web applications can generate dynamic identifiers for objects, for example, id5286, id4731 and so on. The Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern wizard helps you create patterns for detecting dynamic web identifiers. TestComplete can either ignore these identifiers (default and cross-platform web tests) or extract and use their non-dynamic portion (default web tests only). For more information, see:

To open the wizard, click Add on the Properties > Open Applications > Web Testing > Object Identification or Properties > Open Applications > Hybrid Mobile page of your project.

The wizard includes the following pages:

Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern Wizard - Select Option Page

On this page, you select how you want to specify the dynamic identifier you would like to handle.

Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern - Select Object From Screen Page

On this page, you can point to an object on a web page that has a dynamic identifier.

Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern Wizard - Specify Web Object Identifier Page

On this page, you can enter the identifier for which you want to create a match pattern.

Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern Wizard - Create Web Object's Dynamic Identifier Pattern Page

On this page, you can review the pattern generated by TestComplete and correct it if necessary.

Add Dynamic Identifier Pattern Wizard - Specify Pattern Description Page

On this page, you can specify the pattern description that will help you remember the purpose of the pattern.

See Also

Web and RIA Testing
Handling Dynamic Identifiers in Default Web Tests
Handling Dynamic Identifiers in Cross-Platform Web Tests
Handling Dynamic Identifiers in Hybrid Mobile Applications
Project Properties - Object Identification Options

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