Field Element

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Field element of the description.xml file is used to define an internal field of a custom keyword test operation. This field will be available only in the operation’s source code and can be used to store certain operation-specific data.

Parent Elements

A Field element must be a child of the Data element.

Child Elements

A Field element does not have child elements.


The element has the following attributes:


Required. The field name. Two notes:
  • The field name must be unique among other operation fields.

  • Since this name is used to address the field in the script code, it must be a valid identifier in the scripting language that is used to write the operation code (JScript or VBScript). A general rule is that the name must consist of alphanumeric (A…Z, a…z, 0…9) and underscore ( _ ) characters only and start with a letter.


Optional. The field’s default value. TestComplete treats this value as a string.


Optional. Specifies whether the field value should be saved in the keyword test file (.tcKDTest) with other operation data. Possible values are True and False. The default is True. False can be used for helper fields, for instance, those whose values are computed based on other operation fields and parameters.
Element’s Contents

A Field element may contain text holding the field description. This way, the operation’s developer can document the operation’s fields. Currently, this text is ignored by TestComplete and is not displayed anywhere.

See Also

Elements Reference
Structure of the Description File
Creating Keyword Test Operations
Creating Operation Parameters and Fields

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