Name Mapping Editor

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Name Mapping editor shows UI objects used in your tests and lets you edit the object identification properties.

In This Section

About Name Mapping Editor

An overview of the Name Mapping editor.

Name Mapping Editor - Toolbar

Describes toolbar items in the Name Mapping editor.

Name Mapping Editor - Context Menu

Describes context menu commands of the Name Mapping editor.

Undoing and Redoing Changes in Name Mapping Editor

Explains how to undo and redo operations performed in the Name Mapping editor.

Related Topics of Interest

About Name Mapping

Describes the Name Mapping repository and explains how automated tests use it.

Search and Replace in the Name Mapping Repository

Explains how you can quickly find and replace mapped object names, aliases, identification property names and property values.

See Also

Name Mapping

Highlight search results