Web Comparison Checkpoint Settings

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021

The Web Comparison checkpoints use the following settings to check the actual contents of a web page against baseline data. These settings are saved in the Web Comparison project element and can be modified in the Web Comparison Element editor. See Modifying WebTesting Elements for detailed information on this.

  • Mode - Specifies one of the following verification modes:

    • Compare entire page - The checkpoint saves the whole HTML document to the Stores project item and checks the stored document against the actual document displayed by the web page under test.

    • Compare only tag structure - During verification the checkpoints will build a tree of web page elements for both. These trees include only tag names and do not include attributes, attribute values and element values. The checkpoint compares these trees and returns the comparison result.

    • Compare only specified tags - The checkpoint will check only those web page elements that are specified by the following settings:

      • Links - The checkpoint builds a collection of A elements for both stored and actual pages and then compares these collections. The comparison fails, if the collections contain a different number of items, or if the text or attributes of a stored element differ from the text or attributes of the actual element.

      • Images - The checkpoint builds a collection of IMG elements for both stored and actual pages and then compares these collections. The comparison fails if the collections contain a different number of items, or the elements’ attributes differ.

      • Input elements - The checkpoint builds a collection of INPUT elements for both stored and actual pages and then compares these collections. The comparison fails if the collections contain a different number of items, or the element attributes differ.

  • Read content from a server - This option specifies whether to read the web page's content from the browser’s window or from the web server. If this option is enabled, the checkpoint gets the address of the tested web page and reads its content directly from the server, otherwise, it gets the page's content from the browser window.

    Tip: The browser window’s content can differ from the original content from the server, that is, if you want to make the comparison more stable, enable this option.

See Also

Web Comparison Checkpoints
About Web Comparison Checkpoints
About Web Comparison Element Editor
Checkpoint Wizard

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