Windows64bit Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021


Use the OSInfo.Windows64bit property to determine whether you are working on a 64 bit version of the Windows operating system.



Read-Only Property Boolean
OSInfoObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to an OSInfo object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

True if the operating system is a 64 bit system; false otherwise.


The following example obtains information on the operating system and posts it to the test log.

JavaScript, JScript

function OSInfoSample()
  var OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo;

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  var Info = "Name: " + OSInfo.Name + " ";

  if (OSInfo.Windows64bit)
    Info += "64-bit version" + "\r\n";
    Info += "32-bit version" + "\r\n";

  Info += "Edition: " + OSInfo.Edition + "\r\n" +
        "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + "\r\n" +
        "Version: " + OSInfo.Version;

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message("Operating system information:", Info);


def OSInfoSample():
  OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo
  # Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info = "Name: " + OSInfo.Name + " "
  if OSInfo.Windows64bit:
    Info = Info + "64-bit version" + "\r\n"
    Info = Info + "32-bit version" + "\r\n"
  Info = Info + "Edition: " + OSInfo.Edition + "\r\n" +\
    "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + "\r\n" +\
    "Version: " + OSInfo.Version
  # Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message("Operating system information:", Info)


Sub OSInfoSample
  Dim OSInfo, Info
  Set OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo

  ' Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info = "Name: " & OSInfo.Name & " "

  If OSInfo.Windows64bit Then
    Info = Info & "64-bit version" & vbNewLine
    Info = Info & "32-bit version" & vbNewLine
  End If

  Info = Info & "Edition: " & OSInfo.Edition & vbNewLine & _
        "Service Pack Version: " & OSInfo.ServicePackVersion & vbNewLine & _
        "Version: " & OSInfo.Version

  ' Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message "Operating system information:", Info
End Sub


procedure OSInfoSample;
var OSInfo, Info;
  OSInfo := Sys.OSInfo;

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info := 'Name: ' + OSInfo.Name + ' ';

  if OSInfo.Windows64bit then
    Info := Info + '64-bit version' + #13#10
    Info := Info + '32-bit version' + #13#10;

  Info := Info + 'Edition: ' + OSInfo.Edition + #13#10 +
        'Service Pack Version: ' + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + #13#10 +
        'Version: ' + OSInfo.Version;

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message('Operating system information:', Info);

C++Script, C#Script

function OSInfoSample()
  var OSInfo = Sys["OSInfo"];

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  var Info = "Name: " + OSInfo["Name"] + " ";

  if (OSInfo["Windows64bit"])
    Info += "64-bit version" + "\r\n";
    Info += "32-bit version" + "\r\n";

  Info += "Edition: " + OSInfo["Edition"] + "\r\n" +
        "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo["ServicePackVersion"] + "\r\n" +
        "Version: " + OSInfo["Version"];

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log["Message"]("Operating system information:", Info);

See Also

FullName Property
Name Property
Edition Property
Version Property
ServicePackVersion Property
MediaCenter Property
TabletPC Property

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