ReadByte Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.40, last modified on April 22, 2021


The ReadByte method retrieves one byte from a binary file (starting from the current cursor position) and treats it as an integer value.



aqBinaryFileObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to an aqBinaryFile object
Result Integer

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:

Result Value

The integer value read from the file.


On success, the cursor position is shifted by one byte.

Keep in mind that writing an integer value shifts the cursor position either by 4 or by 8 bytes, whereas reading an integer value can shift the position by 1-8 bytes depending on the method used.


The code below demonstrates how you can use the ReadByte method to read all the data from a binary file.

JavaScript, JScript

function ReadingFileContent()

  // Opens the file for reading
  MyFile=aqFile.OpenBinaryFile("C:\\MyFiles\\FileName.txt", aqFile.faRead);

  // Reads the file content
  while (!MyFile.IsEndOfFile () );

  // Closes the file



def ReadingFileContent():
  # Opens the file for reading
  MyFile=aqFile.OpenBinaryFile("C:\\MyFiles\\FileName.txt", aqFile.faRead)
  # Reads the file content
  while not MyFile.IsEndOfFile():
  # Closes the file


Sub ReadingFileContent

  ' Opens the file for reading
  Set MyFile=aqFile.OpenBinaryFile("C:\MyFiles\FileName.txt", aqFile.faRead)

  ' Reads the file content
  While Not MyFile.isEndofFile

  ' Closes the file

End Sub


procedure ReadingFileContent;
var MyFile: OleObject;

  // Opens the file for reading
  MyFile:=aqFile.OpenBinaryFile('C:\MyFiles\FileName.txt', aqFile.faRead);

  // Reads the file content
  while not MyFile.IsEndOfFile() do

  // Closes the file


C++Script, C#Script

function ReadingFileContent()

  // Opens the file for reading
 MyFile=aqFile["OpenBinaryFile"]( "C:\MyFiles\FileName.txt", aqFile.faRead );

  // Reads the file content
 while (! MyFile["IsEndOfFile"]() )
    Log["Message"]( MyFile["ReadByte"]() );

  // Closes the file
 MyFile ["Close"]();


See Also

Working With Files From Scripts
WriteByte Method
ReadBytes Method
ReadInt Method
ReadShort Method
ReadCurrency Method
ReadInt64 Method
ReadFloat Method
ReadString Method
ReadBool Method
ReadDate Method

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