TestComplete provides ultimate support for C++Builder applications. For these applications you can perform almost any kind of tests: unit, functional (or user interface), regression, data-driven, etc.
The following topics provide more information on how to test C++Builder applications with TestComplete:
In This Section
Describes the specifics of working with C++Builder applications.
Provides information on requirements that must be met in order for you to be able to test C++Builder applications.
Explains how to get deeper access to C++Builder applications' internals via the Debug Info Agent™.
Explains how to refer to the tested application’s GUI objects from tests using Name Mapping and without using Name Mapping.
Describes support provided by TestComplete for the most frequently used controls in C++Builder applications.
Explains how to get and set native properties of C++Builder objects and call native object methods in your tests.
Describes possible problems that can arise when testing C++Builder applications and possible solutions for these problems.
Related Topics of Interest
Describes how you can perform unit testing of C++Builder applications with TestComplete. For more information on unit testing with TestComplete, see
Unit Testing - Overview.
Contains information on accessing properties and methods of applications’ objects.
Describes specifics of calling methods and properties of applications’ objects from scripts.
Explains how you can create scripting objects from objects of applications created in C++Builder.
Contains basic information on recording in TestComplete.
Contains general information on running tests in TestComplete.
Describes different testing types supported by TestComplete.
Contains general information on writing scripts and supported scripting languages.
See Also
Desktop Application Testing
Applications Testing