CrossBrowserTesting - Common Tasks

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

For a step-by-step description of how to create and configure test runs and environments, see Running Tests in CrossBrowserTesting Environments. Below is information on some frequent tasks you can perform in the CrossBrowserTesting manager:

Add tests
  1. Click Add Test on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar or right-click anywhere within the Tests list and click Add Test.

  2. In the resulting dialog, select one or several tests you want to run.

  3. If needed, select a group to which you want to add tests. Otherwise, select <root> not to add tests to a group.

– or –

Drag the needed tests from the Project Explorer or Code Explorer to the CrossBrowserTesting manager.

Add test items
  1. Click Add Test Item on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar or right-click anywhere within the Tests list and click Add Test Item.

  2. In the resulting dialog, select one or several test items you want to run.

  3. If needed, select a test group to which you want to add test items. Otherwise, select <root> not to add test items to any group.

– or –

  1. Drag the project containing the needed test items from the Project Explorer.

  2. TestComplete will add the project’s top-level test items to the CrossBrowserTesting manager.

Create groups

Click Add Group on the manager toolbar or right-click anywhere in the section, and then click Add Group.

Rename groups
  1. Click the needed group node in the CrossBrowserTesting manager twice (not a double-click), or select the group and press F2.

  2. Enter a new name. Press Enter to confirm the change or Esc to cancel.

Add environments
  1. Select the desired test, test item, or a test group.

  2. In the right part of the editor, select the needed operating system, web browser, and screen resolution and click Add.

Set timeout for tests

Right-click a test or a test item and then click Set Timeout for Test. Set the needed timeout value (in minutes) in the resulting dialog. The default timeout value is 15 minutes. The maximum value is 60 minutes.

It is the time during which TestComplete will be waiting for the test to complete in CrossBrowserTesting environments. If the test is not finished before the timeout expires, TestComplete will stop the test run and terminate the environment.

Open test editor quickly

Right-click the desired test and select Jump to Test from the context menu.

Enable and disable tests and environments

To enable or disable a test, test item, group, or environment, select or clear the check box next to its name.

To enable or disable several environments at once:

  1. Select the needed environments. Use CTRL- and SHIFT-clicks for multi-selection.

  2. Click Enable Selected or Disable Selected on the manager toolbar.

To enable or disable all the environments, click Enable All or Disable All on the manager toolbar.

To toggle the enablement of all environments, click Toggle All on the manager toolbar.

TestComplete will not run disabled tests and test items. It will not run tests and test items that belong to a disabled group.

TestComplete will not run tests assigned on a disabled environment.

Change the item order

Use the Move Item Up and Mode Item Down commands on the manager toolbar.

Note: The order of items in the CrossBrowserTesting manager does not affect test runs. TestComplete will launch all the environments and run all the tests in parallel regardless of their order in the editor.
Copy, cut or paste items

To copy or cut a test, test item, group or an environment to the clipboard, right-click the needed item and then click Copy or Cut, or use the CTRL+C and CTRL+X shortcuts.

To insert the item from the clipboard, right-click in the needed area of the CrossBrowserTesting manager and then click Paste.

Remove tests, groups, or environments

To delete a test, test item, or a group of tests, select it and click Delete on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar.

To delete an environment:

  1. Select the test, test item, or a group of tests, to which the environment is assigned.

  2. Select the environment on the right of the editor and then click .

Open a local connection

To open a local connection (an encrypted tunnel) between your local network and the CrossBrowserTesting cloud:

  1. Click Local Connection on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar.

  2. Follow the instructions of the Local Connection wizard to open the connection.

Close a local connection

Click Local Connection on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar. Click Disable Local Connection in the resulting wizard.

See Also

Integration With
Working With TestComplete

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