The Tested Applications collection can include Windows Store applications.

Parameters of Windows Store tested applications in the TestedApps editor are organized into two sections - Basic Parameters and Run-Mode Parameters.

Basic Parameters

Basic parameters include the following:

Parameter Description
Name The unique name of the tested application in the Tested Applications collection. This name is used to refer to the application in tests, for example, in the Run TestedApp keyword test operation.
Autorun application on recording Select this option to have the application launched automatically when you start test recording.
Launch application from tests Uncheck this option to prevent the application from being launched by the Run TestedApp keyword test operation and the TestedApps.AppName.Run scripting method.

For example, you can define several instances of the tested application with different configurations and “disable” those not needed at the moment.

Run-Mode Parameters

The following parameters are specific to Windows Store applications in the Tested Applications collection:

Parameter Description
Application package name The name of the application package as it is specified in the package manifest. For example, Microsoft.BingMaps.

Select the needed package name from the drop-down list. You can only select an application installed on your computer.

Command-line parameters The command-line arguments that TestComplete will use to launch the application.

See Also

About Tested Applications
Testing Windows Store Applications
About TestedApps Editor

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