The Checkpoint wizard helps you create checkpoints in your tests.
To call the wizard, do any of the following:
Add Check on the TestComplete recording toolbar.
— or —
Add Checkpoint on the Code Editor toolbar.
— or —
Add the Checkpoint Wizard keyword test operation to your keyword test.
Select the type of data you want to check:
Object property - To verify object properties, tabular data, or use optical character recognition to verify the text contents of a screen area.
Image - To verify an image of an object or screen area.
File - To verify an XML, PDF, or an arbitrary file.
Database - To verify data stored in a database table.
Web page - To run specified audits against a web page.
Web service - To verify data returned by a web service method.
Depending on the type of data you are going to check, the wizard will show you the appropriate instructions.
Note: | The Checkpoint wizard only works with checkpoints that are built into TestComplete. It does not work with checkpoints that are implemented by script extensions. |
See Also
About Checkpoints
Keyword Test Operations - Checkpoints Category