Code Editor

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

This section describes the Code Editor in TestComplete.

In This Section

Code Editor - Overview

Describes main features of the Code Editor.

Code Editor Window

This section describes visual elements of the Editor window (gutter, status bar, etc.).

Syntax Highlighting

Describes the syntax highlighting concepts used by TestComplete.

Code Completion

Describes the Code Completion window.

Code Parameters

Explains how to view hints with function parameters.

Checking Syntax

Describes how you can check script syntax.

Code Templates

Describes how you can speed up the code editing with code templates.


Outlining means you can select a block of code and hide it under a single line and then collapse and expand that block. The Outlining topic provides complete information about outlining in TestComplete.

Code Navigation

Describes how you can quickly navigate script routines in the Code Editor.


Provides information on how to bookmark lines in the Editor and jump to those bookmarked lines.

Units Encoding

Contains information about the supported character encoding formats applied to script units and explains which format to choose.

Finding and Replacing Text in Code Editor

Provides information on how to find and replace text in the Editor.

Renaming Functions and Variables

Describes how you can rename functions and variables overall your project using the Editor.

Undoing and Redoing Changes

Explains how you can undo or redo the changes in the Editor.

About the To Do Panel

Describes the To Do panel.

Search/Replace Results Panel

Describes the Search/Replace results panel.

About Scripting

Script Tests

Provides information about script writing.

Writing Scripts - Quick Start

Provides an overview of key points of writing test script code.

Related Topics of Interest

About Code Explorer

Describes the Code Explorer panel.

Code Metrics

Describes various code metrics generated by Code Explorer, and how you can use them to improve your code.

Unicode Support

Provides information on TestComplete Unicode support.

Testing Mobile Applications

Provides information on creating tests for Android and iOS mobile applications.

Key Mapping

Describes the key mapping settings that can be used in the editor.

Debugging Tests

Describes how you can use the script debugger.

See Also

Code Editor Options
Key Mapping
Debugging Tests
Unicode Support
Testing Android Applications

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