IESettings Object

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

The IESettings object provides a scripting interface to Internet Explorer settings. The object properties correspond to the Internet Explorer settings displayed on the Advanced tabbed page of Internet Explorer’s Internet Options dialog (to display it, select Tools | Internet Options from Internet Explorer’s menu).

To obtain the object in scripts, use the IESettings property of the Options object.

Below is a list of object properties with brief descriptions. The properties are ordered by the Internet Explorer setting groups’ and settings’ names.

Beside properties, the IESettings object also contains three methods:

Method Description
GetInternetExplorerMajorVersion Returns an integer value that specifies the major version number of Internet Explorer installed on your computer (for example, 10 or 11).
GetInternetExplorerVersion Returns a string containing the full version number of Internet Explorer installed on your computer (for instance, 11.0.9600.18858).
SendSettingChangeMessage Applies settings made to properties of the IESettings object to all Internet Explorer instances that are currently running in the system. If you do not call the method, the changes will be applied to Internet Explorer instances that are launched after the changes have been done.

Two notes:

  • Changes made to the properties of the IESettings object will have effect on Internet Explorer instances that are launched after the changes have been made. To only apply changes to currently running Internet Explorer instances, call the SendSettingChangeMessage method.

  • Changes made to some options only take effect after Internet Explorer is restarted.

Here is a list of Internet Explorer settings and corresponding properties:


Always expand ALT text for images

Property: ExpandAltText. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Caret Browsing for new windows and tabs

Property: EnableCaretBrowsingOnStartup. Boolean. Read/Write.

Move system caret with focus/selection changes

Property: MoveSystemCaret. Boolean. Read/Write.

Reset text size to medium for new windows and tabs

Property: ResetTextSizeOnStartup. Boolean. Read/Write.

Reset text size to medium while zooming

Property: ResetTextSizeOnZoom. Boolean. Read/Write.

Reset User Zoom to 100% for new windows and tabs

Property: ResetZoomOnStartup. Boolean. Read/Write.

Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs

Property: ResetZoomOnStartupIE8. Boolean. Read/Write.

Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates

Property: UpdatesCheck. Boolean. Read/Write.

Always send URLs as UTF-8

Property: UrlEncoding. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Automatically recover from page layout errors with Compatibility View

Property: AutomaticLayoutRecovery. Boolean. Read/Write.

Close unused folders in History and Favorites

Property: CloseUnusedFolders. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Disable Script Debugging (Other)

Property: DisableScriptDebugger. Boolean. Read/Write.

Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)

Property: DisableScriptDebuggerIE. Boolean. Read/Write.

Display Accelerator button on selection

Property: DisplayAcceleratorButtonOnSelection. Boolean. Read/Write.

Display a notification on every script error

Property: ErrorDlgDisplayedOnEveryError. Boolean. Read/Write.

Display enhanced security configuration dialog

Property: DisplayTrustAlertDlg. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable automatic crash recovery

Property: EnableAutomaticCrashRecovery. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable folder view for FTP sites

Property: FolderViewForFTP. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Install On Demand (Internet Explorer)

Property: SetupOnDemandIE. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Install On Demand (Other)

Property: SetupOnDemandWeb. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable offline items to be synchronized on a schedule

Property: ScheduledUpdates. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable page transitions

Property: PageTransitions. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Personalized Favorites Menu

Property: PersonalizedFavMenu. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Suggested Sites

Property: EnableSuggestedSites. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Enable third-party browser extensions

Property: BrowserExtensions. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Enable websites to use the search pane

Property: EnableSearchPane. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in web pages

Property: VisualThemes. Boolean. Read/Write.

Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server

Property: ForceOffscreenComposition. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Notify when downloads complete

Property: NotifyDownloadComplete. Boolean. Read/Write.

Reuse windows for launching shortcuts

Property: AllowWindowReuse. Boolean. Read/Write.

Show friendly HTTP error messages

Property: ShowFriendlyHTTPErrors. Boolean. Read/Write.

Show friendly URLs

Property: ShowFriendlyURLs.

Show Go button in Address bar

Property: ShowGoButton.

Underline links

Property: UnderlineLinks. Integer. Read/Write. The property can be one of the following values:
  • 0 - Never
  • 1 - Always
  • 2 - Hover

Use inline AutoComplete

Property: UseAutoComplete. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab

Property: UseMostRecentOrderTabSwitching. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use Passive FTP

Property: UsePasssiveFTP. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use smooth scrolling

Property: UseSmoothScrolling. Boolean. Read/Write.
HTTP 1.1 Settings

Use HTTP 1.1

Property: HTTP11Enabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections

Property: HTTP11ProxyEnabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Always show encoded addresses

Property: AlwaysShowEncodedAddresses. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Send IDN server names

Property: SendIDNServerNames. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Send IDN server names for Intranet addresses

Property: SendIDNServerNamesForIntranet. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Show Information Bar for encoded addresses

Property: ShowIDNPrompt. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Use UTF-8 for mailto links

Property: UseUTF8ForMailtoLinks. Boolean. Read/Write.

Always use ClearType for HTML

Property: UseClearType. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Automatic Image Resizing

Property: AutoImageResize. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Image Toolbar

Property: ShowImageToolbar. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Play animations in web pages

Property: PlayAnimations. Boolean. Read/Write.

Play sounds in web pages

Property: PlaySounds. Boolean. Read/Write.

Play videos in web pages

Property: PlayVideos. Boolean. Read/Write.

Show image download placeholders

Property: ShowImagePlaceHolders. Boolean. Read/Write.

Show pictures

Property: ShowPictures. Boolean. Read/Write.

Smart image dithering

Property: SmartDithering. Boolean. Read/Write.

Print background colors and images

Property: PrintBackground. Boolean. Read/Write.
Search from the Address bar

Search from the Address bar

Property: AddressBarAutoSearch. Integer. Read/Write. The property can be one of the following values:
  • 0 - Do not search from the Address bar
  • 1 - Just display the results in the main window
  • 2 - Just go to the most likely site
  • 3 - Display results, and go to the most likely site

Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer

Property: AllowActiveContentFromCDs. Boolean. Read/Write.

Allow active content to run in files on My Computer

Property: AllowActiveContentInFiles. Boolean. Read/Write.

Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid

Property: RunInvalidSignatures. Boolean. Read/Write.

Check for signatures on downloaded programs

Property: CheckProgramSignatures. Boolean. Read/Write.

Check for publisher's certificate revocation

Property: CheckPublisherCertificateRevocation. Boolean. Read/Write.

Check for server certificate revocation

Property: CheckServerCertificateRevocation. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Do not save encrypted pages on disk

Property: DoNotCacheEncryptedPages. Boolean. Read/Write.

Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed

Property: EmptyCacheOnClose. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable DOM Storage

Property: EnableDOMStorage. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Integrated Windows Authentication

Property: IntegratedWindowsAuthentication. Boolean. Read/Write.

Requires Internet Explorer restart.

Enable native XMLHTTP support

Property: XMLHTTPEnabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable Profile Assistant

Property: ProfileAssistantEnabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Enable SmartScreen Filter

Property: EnableSmartScreenFilter. Boolean. Read/Write.

Phishing Filter

Property: PhishingFilter. Boolean. Read/Write. The property can be one of the following values:
  • 0 - Disable Phishing Filter
  • 1 - Turn off automatic website checking
  • 2 - Turn on automatic website checking

Use SSL 2.0

Property: SSL2Enabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use SSL 3.0

Property: SSL3Enabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Use TLS 1.0

Property: TLS1Enabled. Boolean. Read/Write.

Warn about invalid site certificates

Property: WarnOnBadCertificates. Boolean. Read/Write.

Warn if forms submittal is being redirected

Property: WarnOnPostRedirect. Boolean. Read/Write.

Warn if changing between secure and non secure mode

Property: WarnOnZoneCrossing. Boolean. Read/Write.


The code below obtains the full version of the Internet Explorer browser installed on your computer and then posts this version to the test log.

JavaScript, JScript

function IEVerDemo()
  // Obtains information about the browser
  var IE = Options.IESettings;
  // Obtains Internet Explorer's version
  var Ver = IE.GetInternetExplorerVersion();
  // Posts this version to the test log


def IEVerDemo():

  # Obtains information about the browser 
  IE = Options.IESettings
  # Obtains Internet Explorer's version
  Ver = IE.GetInternetExplorerVersion()
  # Posts this version to the test log


Sub IEVerDemo()

  ' Obtains information about the browser
  Set IE = Options.IESettings
  ' Obtains Internet Explorer's version
  Ver = IE.GetInternetExplorerVersion()
  ' Posts this version to the test log

End Sub


function IEVerDemo;
var IE, Ver;

  // Obtains information about the browser
  IE := Options.IESettings;
  // Obtains Internet Explorer's version
  Ver := IE.GetInternetExplorerVersion();
  // Posts this version to the test log


C++Script, C#Script

function IEVerDemo()
  // Obtains information about the browser
  var IE = Options["IESettings"];
  // Obtains Internet Explorer's version
  var Ver = IE["GetInternetExplorerVersion"]();
  // Posts this version to the test log

See Also

IEZoneSettings Object

Highlight search results