Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync Method

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019


Assigning and obtaining property values are performed through the get and set property’s methods. When you assign a value to a property, TestComplete pauses the script execution until the execution of the called set method is over (that is, the script is paused until the method returns). Using the SetObjectPropertyAsync method you can assign values to application methods asynchronously, that is, without pausing the script. This is useful if the property’s set method displays a modal window or dialog and you need to simulate user actions in this dialog (see Testing Modal Windows for more information).


Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync(ObjPropertyNameParam1Param2, ..., ParamNValue)

Obj [in]    Required    Object    
PropertyName [in]    Required    String    
Param1 [in]    Optional    Variant    
Param2 [in]    Optional    Variant    
ParamN [in]    Optional    Variant    
Value [in]    Required    Variant    
Result A CallObjectMethodAsyncResult object

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameters:


Specifies the object’s method that you want to call.


The name of the desired object property.

Param1, Param2, ... ParamN

These parameters are optional. They are used if you are working with an indexed property. In this case, they specify the index values.


Specifies the value to be assigned to the property.

Result Value

SetObjectPropertyAsync returns the CallObjectMethodAsyncResult object that contains methods and properties allowing you to pause the script execution until the property assignment is over.


SetObjectPropertyAsync was added to simplify testing of modal windows and dialog boxes displayed by script routines or by properties that reside in Open Applications. See Testing Modal Windows for more information.

We recommend that you use this method to perform asynchronous calls to the properties provided by TestComplete (that is, to the properties that are provided by TestComplete but not by the application under test).


The following example demonstrates how you can use the Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync method to perform testing actions over the modal window invoked when an object’s property is modified.

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()

  var TestedApp, Form, ModalForm, Param, ResObj;

  // Launches the tested application
  TestedApp = TestedApps.ModalSamples;
  Form = Aliases.SampleApp.Form;
  Param = Form.Param1;

  // Sets a value to the property
  ResObj = Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync(Param, "Text", "new text");
  // Performs actions over the invoked modal form
  ModalForm = Aliases.SampleApp.ModalForm;
  // Closes the modal form
  // Simulates actions after the modal form is closed


def Test():
  # Launches the tested application
  TestedApp = TestedApps.ModalSamples
  Form = Aliases.SampleApp.Form
  Param = Form.Param1
  # Sets a value to the property
  ResObj = Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync(Param, "Text", "new text")
  # Performs actions over the invoked modal form
  ModalForm = Aliases.SampleApp.ModalForm
  # ...
  # Closes the modal form
  # Simulates actions after the modal form is closed
  # ...


Sub Test

  Dim TestedApp, Form, ModalForm, Param, ResObj

  ' Launches the tested application
  Set TestedApp = TestedApps.ModalSamples
  Set Form = Aliases.SampleApp.Form
  Set Param = Form.Param1

  ' Sets a value to the property
  Set ResObj = Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync(Param, "Text", "new text")
  ' Performs actions over the invoked modal form
  Set ModalForm = Aliases.SampleApp.ModalForm
  ' Closes the modal form
  ' Simulates actions after the modal form is closed
End Sub


procedure Test();
var TestedApp, Form, ModalForm, Param, ResObj;


  // Launches the tested application
  TestedApp := TestedApps.ModalSamples;
  Form := Aliases.SampleApp.Form;
  Param := Form.Param1;

  // Sets a value to the property
  ResObj := Runner.SetObjectPropertyAsync(Param, 'Text', 'new text');
  // Performs actions over the invoked modal form
  ModalForm := Aliases.SampleApp.ModalForm;
  // Closes the modal form
  // Simulates actions after the modal form is closed

C++Script, C#Script

function Test()

  var TestedApp, Form, ModalForm, Param, ResObj;

  // Launches the tested application
  TestedApp = TestedApps["ModalSamples"];
  Form = Aliases["SampleApp"]["Form"];
  Param = Form["Param1"];

  // Sets a value to the property
  ResObj = Runner["SetObjectPropertyAsync"](Param, "Text", "new text");
  // Performs actions over the invoked modal form
  ModalForm = Aliases["SampleApp"]["ModalForm"];
  // Closes the modal form
  // Simulates actions after the modal form is closed

See Also

Calling Methods Asynchronously
Testing Modal Windows
Runner.CallMethod Method
Runner.CallObjectMethodAsync Method

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