Features Added to TestComplete 4.10

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 4.10. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • Code Parameters. A new exciting feature of the Code Editor - now you can quickly view information about functions and code parameters by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Space in the Editor window:

    For more information on this feature, see Code Parameters.

  • Restart-and-Continue. The set of built-in functions have been extended with a new routine - RebootAndContinue - which lets you create tests that reboot the computer and continue running after the reboot. See Rebooting Computer and Continue Testing for more information.
  • Export of Manual Test Data. Now you can export the manual test contents to a Microsoft Word or HTML file. See Exporting Manual Tests for more information.
  • The Run method of the TestedApp object has changed. It received a parameter that allows you to specify the number of application instances to be launched. See TestedApp.Run for more information.
  • Network suite tasks have two new properties: Terminate before run and Remote application. Using the Remote application property, you can specify which testing application - TestComplete or TestExecute - will be run on a remote workstation. Using the Terminate before run property you can specify whether TestComplete should terminate the TestComplete or TestExecute instances running on a remote computer before executing a task. See Editing Task Properties.
  • The Files.Compare method has been changed. Now you can specify the compared files using either the file path and name, or name, which the file has in the Files collection of the Stores project item.
  • The parameter types of the Regions.Compare, Regions.Find and Regions.FindRegion methods have been changed. Now, to specify images that these methods operate with, you can use either the image name in the Stores | Regions collection, the Picture object corresponding to the image, or the window or onscreen object which you want to compare or search.
  • A number of new properties have been added to the Log object. They provide information about how many different message types were posted to the test log folder:
  • The Log object contains two new methods - CreatePictureConfiguration and SetDefaultPictureConfiguration - that let you programmatically specify the format for images posted to the test log. See Specifying Log Images Format.
  • The context menu of the project editor’s Test Items page has new items that let you quickly select or unselect test items for testing, or toggle the selection.
  • A number of bugs have been fixed.

See Also

Version History

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