Features Added to TestComplete 3.0

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 3.0. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

TestComplete Services

  • TestComplete includes the new HTTP Load Testing plugin, which lets you perform load, stress and scalability testing of Web servers working on any platform: Internet Information Services, Apache, etc. The plugin allows TestComplete to record HTTP requests, and then simulate them using dozens of virtual users (the number of virtual users is determined by the TestComplete license). The plugin also lets you simulate HTTP requests from other workstations, and does not require any specific Internet browser. You can use Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera, or any other browsing program. The test results include detailed information on each virtual user, as well as the summary results of several test runs.
  • Now you can run multiple projects on several network computers in a synchronized manner. The new Network Suite plugin lets you manage such project runs. The plugin adds two panels: Network Suite, which lets you manage the project runs, and Network Suite Log, which allows you to view results from different computers.
  • Now .NET and Visual Basic applications are always "Open". There is no need to recompile an application in order to get access to its internal objects, methods and properties.
  • Unit testing support: You can run functions from Open Applications using test suites.
  • The new Object-Driven Testing plugin lets you create custom program objectsvisually and programmatically. This makes the Classes programming object obsolete.
  • The principle of working with Connected and Self-Testing Applications was changed.
  • Now you can archive test results directly from TestComplete. That is, at the end of a test run, you can archive the test results and send them to developers or to your boss.
  • Now TestComplete can automatically save the image of a window when you click a mouse button or press a key during the script recoding or when the script does the same during its playback. This feature helps you analyze the script and understand what operation a given statement performs.
  • Testing CORBA objects. TestComplete can now access CORBA objects located on the current computer and network computers. You can explore these objects in the Object Browser panel and work with them in scripts.
  • When TestComplete is playing back scripts, it displays the indicator icon on the top-right corner of the screen. Now in addition to the indicator, TestComplete displays informative messages (Waiting for a window, Reading debug info, etc.) when performing time-consuming operations. You can also change the indicator text from scripts.

Scripting Support

  • Enhanced .NET support: Now you can call functions from .NET assemblies directly in your script code.
  • This version of TestComplete introduces three types of local variables: project, project suite and network suite. Local variables of the project type are the same as local variables in the previous TestComplete versions. They are available to one project only. The project suite's Local variables are similar to project variables, but they are available to all projects that make up the project suite. That is, if one of projects changes a variable, other projects will use the changed value. Network suite variables are shared among all projects included in the network suite.
  • In addition to text messages and images, you can now post files to the Test Log. See the description of the Log.File method. The Log object contains a new property, called FileCount, which returns the number of files in the test results.
  • The default set of project events includes new events that allow you to perform specific actions during the network suite run.
  • Win32xxx program objects, such as Win32ComboBox or Win32ListBox, contain the Select and Click methods that select items of the combo boxes, list boxes, list views and other controls. To simulate user actions, these methods should find the desired item first. A new option, Case-Sensitive, specifies whether this search is case-sensitive or not. Without this option it was impossible, for example, to differentiate two list box items aBc or Abc from each other.
  • A new property of the process object, CPUUsage, specifies the current percentage of CPU time spent executing the process. The Sys object also has the CPUUsage property. For this object, it specifies the current percentage of CPU time taken by the operating system and all running processes.
  • The Sys object contains two new methods: MouseUp and MouseDown. They let you simulate pressing and releasing mouse buttons in your scripts.

User Interface Changes

  • The Script Editor and its components have been dramatically improved:
    • The Editor now supports outlining. This lets you make your scripts more readable.
    • Convenient code navigation: You can jump to the routine declaration by pressing Ctrl and clicking the routine name in the code.
    • Changes in Code Completion: Now it displays functions that are provided by the current scripting language. For instance, when editing VBScript code, the Code Completion window holds functions that are included in VBScript.
    • The Editor options were also changed.
  • The Test Log context menu contains a new item, Load Results, that lets you open XML files that contain test results from other TestComplete projects in the test log.
  • The Replace Text dialogs let you search for a string in all units of the currently open project. The Find Text dialog can create a list of all occurrences of the sought-for string. The Replace Text dialog tracks all the changes it made and lets you undo every single replacement.
  • The items of the new Options | Toolbar submenu let you save the current toolbar layout to and load it from a file.
  • As usual, you can save the current docking settings to a file (Options | Docking | Save Docking As) in order to load them later (Options | Docking | Load Docking). A new feature is that if you save the current panel layout to a file located in the <TestComplete> folder, TestComplete will add the file name as an item to the Options | Docking menu. By selecting this menu item, you can quickly load the appropriate panel layout. The menu also holds several predefined layouts (they are displayed below the Default item).
  • You can easily restore the default toolbar and panel layouts using the Options | Toolbar | Default and Options | Docking | Default menu items.

See Also

Version History

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