Bug Fixes in TestComplete 14.10

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

The following bugs reported by our customers have been fixed in TestComplete 14.10.


  • Fixed: Performance issues when running tests on computers with the latest Windows 10 updates installed.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon enabling or disabling the Optical Character Recognition plugin.

  • Fixed: If some restricted characters (for instance, a colon or a backslash) were used when renaming a project, the project name could be cleared unexpectedly instead of showing a warning about proper naming.

  • Fixed: An unexpected "Unsupported scripting language" error message when importing project items (for instance, the Stores repository, the Name Mapping repository and the User Forms repository) to a DelphiScript project.

  • Fixed: If a project was stopped on error during the test run, TestComplete could ignore the project's "Stop on error" setting and stopped the entire project suite.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding when the user switched between the Project Explorer and Code Explorer panels.

  • Fixed: JScript projects ignored the "On exception" setting and the entire project stopped when an exception occurred.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly after performing a search in Code Editor.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete could generate an empty log.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when showing the Object Spy context menu.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when initializing a script extension that implemented custom keyword test operations.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when starting a test run.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly after the test run was over.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding and then could exit unexpectedly if an error occurred during the test run.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not open an interactive user session on a remote computer if the Windows Welcome Screen was enabled on the remote computer.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when cloning a project or could produce a corrupted project clone.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when running on Windows 10.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly during the test run or at design time.

  • Fixed: An unexpected "There was an attempt to perform an action on a zero sized window" error could occur during the test run.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when a user was working with editors (for instance, with the Script editor).

  • Fixed: If the test case name included special symbols, TestComplete generated an empty Summary report.

Data-Driven Testing

  • Fixed: Though the first run of a data-driven test was successful, the subsequent runs could fail unexpectedly.

Desktop Application Testing

  • Fixed: During test recording, TestComplete could record redundant SetText method calls.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to access some native properties and methods (for instance, the Name property) of the tested Visual Basic applications via the NativeVBObject namespace.

  • Fixed: TestComplete simulated clicks on radio buttons in Qt 5.2 applications incorrectly.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not simulate user actions over the DevExpress Ribbon control on high DPI monitors.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could unexpectedly capture hidden objects when recording user actions over the DevExpress Ribbon control or when the user was exploring the control.

  • Fixed: The tested .NET application could stop responding during the test run.

  • Fixed: The tested .NET application could exit unexpectedly during the test run.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to recognize objects by using the UI Automation technology.

  • Fixed: The tested JavaFX application could exit unexpectedly during test recording.

Web Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not recognize popup windows in web applications in Internet Explorer and could stop responding or could exit unexpectedly when exploring such windows or performing test actions over them.

  • Fixed: When simulating user actions over a web page in Internet Explorer, TestComplete could fail to scroll the tested web page to the needed control correctly.

  • Fixed: When running tests or exploring objects in a web application running in Google Chrome on a computer with DPI set to 125%, TestComplete could incorrectly determine the size and position of the tested objects.

  • Fixed: TestComplete scrolled tables with fixed headers in web applications incorrectly.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could show an unexpected error message when exploring frames in web applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to recognize the tested CEF applications properly.

  • Fixed: The FindChild method could not find the needed web elements in Internet Explorer by using their data-… attributes.

  • Fixed: In Firefox, TestComplete did not record keystrokes in input controls of the number type.

Mobile Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to recognize some AndroidX controls.

  • Fixed: When recording tests over Android applications, TestComplete ignored the "Record test input into simple editors as" option and always recorded text input using the SetText method.

  • Fixed: If TestComplete exited unexpectedly when recording a test on an Android device, it disconnected from the device, and it could take much time to reconnect TestComplete to it.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to connect to the tested Android devices via USB or WiFi.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not recognize Xamarin.Forms PopupPage controls in Android applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to simulate touch actions in tested Android applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could incorrectly recognize and map Xamarin Forms objects in iOS applications.

  • Fixed: The Mobile Screen window showed the screen of the tested Android 9 devices incorrectly.

  • Fixed: An error could occur when TestComplete was trying to get an image of the mobile device screen.

Name Mapping

  • Fixed: Performance issues when adding an object to the Name Mapping repository during test recording and at design time, and when updating the object image in the Name Mapping repository if the repository already contained multiple objects with their images.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could ignore the Required Children setting and could map objects during test recording incorrectly.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to find mapped objects in Visual Basic applications.


  • Fixed: It was impossible to input Japanese characters in the Property Checkpoint wizard.

  • Fixed: The Highlight button was disabled in the property dialogs of the Property, Object, and Region checkpoint operations, and you could not view the checked object on screen.

Keyword Tests

  • Fixed: When editing operations in keyword tests, the editor reverted the last change if the last action was pressing CTRL+X.

Script Tests

  • Fixed: When searching for all occurrences of a function call in VBScript units, TestComplete ignored function calls that had a space between the function name and its arguments.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when calling the async and await methods in JavaScript.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when running the Promise.resolve() method in JavaScript.

  • Fixed: The Code editor failed to scroll down if word wrapping was enabled and the last line wrapped multiple lines.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when running a script test or when the user was editing a script test.

BDD Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not close properly after running a BDD scenario or a scenario step handler.

Integration With Other Tools

  • Fixed: When running multiple tests bound to HipTest, TestComplete could disconnect from HipTest and could fail to upload test results.

  • Fixed: If a project of a project suite was bound to HipTest, TestComplete would try to connect to HipTest when opening another project of the project suite, even if the project was not bound to HipTest.

  • Fixed: Visual Studio 2015 could exit unexpectedly when binding a TestComplete Test (.tctest) item to a TestComplete project suite.

  • Fixed: It was impossible to add a keyword test to a TFVC repository if the test referred to a file residing outside the project suite folder.

  • Fixed: It was impossible to open a TestComplete project that was bound to and then unbound from a TFVC repository.

  • Fixed: It was impossible to report an issue to Azure DevOps and Bugzilla from test logs.

See Also

What's New in TestComplete 14.30
Version History

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