Mobile Web Testing

Applies to TestComplete 14.30, last modified on November 21, 2019

With TestComplete, you can test web applications on real mobile devices and emulators to make sure your applications work well on various platforms and screen sizes.

Test on Real Devices

You need to install the SmartBearBrowser application on your iOS and Android devices – this is the browser you can use to test your web applications. Please note that regular browsers like Mobile Safari or Chrome are not supported. For details, see Mobile Web Testing on Real Devices.

Requires the TestComplete Mobile module.

Test Using Emulator

The desktop version of the Google Chrome browser includes the mobile emulation mode, in which Chrome can emulate different screen sizes and resolutions, device pixel ratio (DRP), user agents, touch events and other mobile-specific functionality. TestComplete can use Chrome to emulate a wide range of mobile devices, such as Apple iPhone and iPad, Samsung Galaxy and others. This is an easy way to test your web applications on a variety of phones and tablets without having real devices on hand. For details, see Testing Mobile Web Applications Using Emulator.

Requires the TestComplete Web module.

See Also

Web and RIA Testing
Testing Mobile Applications
Applications Testing

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