Project Explorer Context Menu

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The Project Explorer panel’s context menu provides commands to manage the project suite, projects and their logs displayed as tree structures in the panel. To invoke the context menu, right-click within the panel or select an item in the panel and right-click the item. The set of commands available to you in the menu depends on the item currently selected in the panel.

The available commands are:


Calls the Add submenu that allows adding new child items to the selected item. The submenu contains the following commands:

New Item Adds a new child item to the selected item.
Existing Item Adds an existing project item stored in an external file, or an arbitrary file (for example, an Excel workbook or a .csv file with test data).
New Folder Adds a new folder to the current item. Custom folders can be used to organize items displayed in the Project Explorer panel. For more information on this, see Organizing Items Into Folders.
Add | Existing Log File Adds an existing log file to the selected log folder. This command is available only if the selected item is a log folder. For more information on importing logs, see details.

Add Unit References

Adds references between different units, so you call the routines and variables declared in one unit from another unit. For more information, see Calling Routines and Variables Declared in Another Unit from GUI.

Check Syntax

Checks the syntax of the selected unit or of all script units that belong to the Script project item. For more information, see Checking Syntax.

Clear Log Files

Deletes all project suite or project logs from the current project suite or project folder. For detailed instructions, see more.

Clone Project

Creates a copy of the selected project. For more information, see Cloning Projects.

Collapse All

Collapses all the tree structures displayed in the Project Explorer panel.

Convert to JavaScript

Converts the selected JScript project to a JavaScript project. For more information, see JavaScript for JScript Users.

Convert to Script

Converts the selected keyword test to script. For more information, see Converting Keyword Tests to Scripts.


Opens the current item in the appropriate editor in the Workspace panel.

Expand All

Expands all the nodes of all the tree structures displayed in the Project Explorer panel.

Export to

Exports test results to an external file. See details for more information.

Export to QAComplete

Exports a project, project suite or specific tests to QAComplete. For more information, see Exporting TestComplete Tests to QAComplete.

Get from Source Control

If the current project is bound to source control, this command tries to restore the selected project item marked as Unavailable with data it obtains from the source control.

Import Functions

Imports functions to the selected unit. This command is available only in JavaScript projects. For more information, see JavaScript - Calling Routines and Variables Declared in Another Unit.

 New Project

Creates a new project. This command is available only if no project or project suite is opened.

 New Project Suite

Creates a new project suite. This command is available only if no project suite is opened.


If the selected item is a log, this command opens it for viewing. If the context menu is invoked with no project suite or project opened yet, the command allows opening an existing project suite or project.


Renames the selected item. For more information on renaming items, see details.


Allows you to remove the selected item from the project or to delete it permanently by deleting the corresponding storage file. For more information on deleting items, see details.


Tries to restore the current project item if it is marked as Unavailable (a project item can be marked as Unavailable if its data is corrupted or if a plugin providing support for the item is not installed).


If you call this context menu item for the project, it will show a submenu containing the project name and a list of all tags assigned to tests and BDD tests in the project (if any). To run the entire project, click the project name. All the test items of the project will run. To run all the tests that match a tag, click the tag name.

If you call this context menu item for a script unit, it will show a submenu containing a list of routines available in the selected script unit. To run a routine, click it in the submenu.

If you call this context menu item for the tested application, it runs the application from TestComplete. For more information, see the Launching From the TestComplete UI section of the Running Tested Applications help topic.

Run All

Runs all tested applications that belong to the current project.

Run Project_Name

Runs the select project.

Run Project_Suite_Name

Runs the select project suite.


Saves changes made to the selected project suite.

Save Current As

Saves the selected item to a new location on the disk.

Set as Default Project

Sets the selected project as the default project for the project suite.

Show in Explorer

Launches Windows Explorer and opens the folder containing the respective project or project suite files.

Source Control

Calls the submenu you use to bind your project to a source control and work with a source control repository.

The submenu holds the same commands as the Source Control toolbar does.

For more information on working with projects bound to a source control system, see Integration With Source Control Systems.

See Also

Project Explorer - Common Tasks
TestComplete Menus
About Project Explorer
Working With TestComplete Toolbars and Menus

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