Supported Source Control Systems

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

TestComplete integrates with various source control systems, allowing you to work on test projects stored in source control and perform source control operations directly from TestComplete.

Supported Source Controls

Source Control Access via SCC API (Obsolete)

TestComplete can also access any source control systems compatible with Microsoft Source Code Control API (SCC API). This approach is obsolete, but is left for backward compatibility. Source control systems supported using this approach include, but are not limited to:

  • AllChange

  • AllFusion Harvest Change Manager

  • Code Co-op

  • CollabNet Subversion 1.7.x – 1.8.x (the 32-bit version).

    Note: Working with Subversion via SCC API is not recommended, use the Subversion integration plugin instead. Existing Subversion SCC API users should migrate to the new Subversion integration as explained in Migrating From Legacy SCC API Providers.
  • CM Synergy (Continuus CM)

  • CS-RCS

  • Concurrent Versions System (CVS), through the CVSProxy or Jalindi Igloo plugin

    Note: Access to TortoiseCVS via the Jalindi Igloo plugin is not supported.
  • IBM VisualAge TeamConnection

  • Merant PVCS Version Manager

  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe versions 6.0d and 2005

  • Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control via the 32-bit version of MSSCCI Provider (can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center).

    Note: Working with TFVC via the SCC API is not recommended, use the TFVC integration plugin instead. Existing users should migrate to the new TFVC integration as explained in Migrating From Legacy SCC API Providers.
  • MKS Source Integrity

  • Perforce P4 Version Control System

  • Rational ClearCase 2003.06 and later

  • Seapine Surround SCM

  • SourceGear SourceOffSite

  • SourceGear Vault 7.1 or later

  • Starbase Versions (StarTeam)

  • Team Coherence

See Also

Integration With Source Control Systems
List of Files Added to Source Code Control

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