Tested Desktop Applications

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

With TestComplete, you can test desktop Windows applications created with various tools. The Tested Applications collection of your project can include generic Windows applications, Java and JavaFX applications, out-of-browser Adobe AIR applications and ClickOnce applications.

This section provides information on the run modes and launch parameters you can specify for your desktop tested applications added to the Tested Applications collection.

In This Section

Run Modes and Parameters

Describes the run modes and launch parameters available for desktop Windows applications.

Getting and Setting Run Mode From Tests

Describes how to manage the run modes of generic Windows applications under test.

Passing Command-Line Arguments to Tested Applications

Describes how to specify tested applications' command-line parameters from tests.

Using Variables in Tested Application Paths

Explains how to use environment, project and project suite variables to specify the tested application’s location.

Editing Desktop Application Parameters

Explains how to configure launch parameters of tested applications from tests.

Related Topics of Interest

Desktop Application Testing

Describes how to test desktop applications with TestComplete.

Tested Web Applications

Provides information on the launch parameters you can specify for the supported web browsers added to the Tested Applications collection.

Mobile Tested Applications

Provides information on the launch parameters you can specify for your mobile applications added to the Tested Applications collection.

See Also

About Tested Applications

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