Resolving the 'Incomplete Keyboard Input' Problem

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

About the Warning

TestComplete provides the Keys method that allows you to simulate keyboard input into objects. If TestComplete is unable to simulate some of the key presses defined by the specified string, it posts the “Incomplete keyboard input” warning to the test log. This topic explains the possible causes of the problem and how you can resolve them.

Diagnosing the Problem

  1. Open the test log and locate the “Incomplete keyboard input” warning in it.

  2. Activate the Details panel where you can see a detailed description of the error. It contains the problematic string of keystrokes, as well as the name of the object that received the keyboard input.

  3. Double-click the “Incomplete keyboard input” warning in the test log. TestComplete will open the test containing the problematic Keys command and highlight it in the test.

Possible Causes of the Problem

  • The syntax of the string of keystrokes is invalid.

    The string accepted by the Keys method can contain special key constants like [Del], [F5], [Left] and others (see the method description for a complete reference). You may receive the “Incomplete keyboard input” warning if the string in question contains invalid key constants. To resolve the problem, make sure that the string syntax is correct:

    • The key constants are spelled correctly (note that the letter case is significant).

    • The modifier characters ([, ^, ~ and !) that are used literally are doubled.

    • The [ReleaseLast] constants follow the appropriate [Hold] constants.

  • The string includes characters that cannot be inputted using the keyboard layouts installed on the computer.

    Keyboard layouts specify which characters can be inputted from the keyboard. Since the Keys method simulates actual input from the keyboard as if it were done by the user, it requires that the keyboard layouts containing the simulated characters be installed on the computer. For more information about characters available in different keyboard layouts, refer to the following page on Microsoft web site:

    To resolve the problem, examine the characters in the simulated string and install the necessary input languages and keyboard layouts. You can install keyboard layouts using the Regional and Language Options applet in the Control Panel. For more information, please see Windows documentation.

  • The string includes East Asian language characters, but no appropriate IMEs are installed.

    In order to input East Asian language characters (for example, Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Indian characters), the appropriate input method editors (IMEs) that would allow the input of these characters must be installed on the computer. To install IMEs, use the Regional and Language Options applet in the Control Panel. For more information, please see Windows documentation.

  • Advanced text services are not applied to the tested application.

    On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, incomplete keyboard input problems can be resolved by extending support for advanced text services to all the programs running in Windows, including your tested application. To do this, follow these steps:

    • Open the Control Panel.

    • Open the Regional and Language Options applet.

    • Switch to the Languages tab and click the Details button. The Text Services and Input Languages dialog opens.

    • Switch to the Advanced tab and select the Extend support of advanced text services to all programs option.

    • Click OK to save the changes and close the Text Services and Input Languages dialog.

    Note: You may need to restart your computer in order for the changes to take effect.

See Also

Handling Playback Errors
Simulating Keystrokes
Keys Method
Keys Action

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