On the Select a Region in the Image page of the Add Image to Image Repository wizard, you specify the region on the screen that corresponds to the image you want to capture.
The page shows your PC desktop or the screen of your connected mobile device:
If you call the wizard from the Unable to Recognize the Image on the Current Desktop error message in the test log, the page will show the image of your screen captured during the test run when the error occurred.
For TestComplete to access an iOS device’s screen, your application running on the device must be prepared for testing. For information on how to prepare iOS applications for testing, see Preparing iOS Applications.
The red frame indicates the recognition area of the image you are going to capture. TestComplete will search for the recognition area on screen when you address the image in tests.
To capture an image that corresponds to a control
on the toolbar to switch the wizard to the selection mode.
Click the needed object on the captured screen image.
If the click coordinates correspond to an accessibility element that TestComplete can recognize, the wizard will highlight the element with a red frame.
If you want to select an image on an iOS device’s screen or if TestComplete cannot highlight the needed image area on screen automatically, specify the needed area manually (see below).
To capture an arbitrary rectangular screen area
on the toolbar to switch the wizard to the selection mode.
Select the desired area by dragging the mouse. Release the mouse when the red frame highlights the needed area.
— or —
Select the needed area by moving the recognition area’s borders.
To scroll the screen image
on the toolbar to switch the wizard to the scrolling mode.
Navigate around the screen image by dragging the mouse.
You also can use the scrollbars to scroll the image.
To zoom in the recognition area
on the toolbar.
The wizard will zoom in the screen area highlighted with the red frame.
To zoom in or zoom out the screen image
Use the zoom slider or the Zoom In and
Zoom Out commands to change the scale of the image.
Click Zoom Default to set the screen image scale to 100%.
Click Best Fit to change the screen image scale so that it fits the bounds.
To refresh the screen image
Click Refresh Image.
Click Next to confirm the selection and continue adding the image. Click Cancel to discard the selection and close the wizard.
See Also
Adding Images to Image Repository From Screen
Image Set Editor