Watch List Panel

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The Watch List panel displays all current watch expressions during debugging. For more information on the panel, see the following topics:

In This Section

About Watch List Panel

Provides general information on the Watch List panel and describes how you can use it to watch values of variables and expressions.

Watch List Panel Content

Describes the watch expressions displayed in the panel.

Watch List Panel - Common Tasks

Describes common operations you can perform over watch expressions in the panel.

Formatting Watch Expressions

Describes how to format expressions in the Watch List panel.

Related Topics of Interest

Evaluating Expressions

Describes how to evaluate expressions during debugging.

Changing Variables During Debugging

Describes how to change the values of variables during debugging.


Describes how you can change the docking in TestComplete.

Arranging Columns, Lines and Panels

Describes how you can customize the TestComplete panel layout.

See Also

Debugging Tests

Highlight search results