Report Generator Command Line

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

In general, the Report Generator command line is as follows:

Here, the parentheses mean a group of command-line arguments. The vertical bar “|” means OR, for example, “--launch-product | --launch-application” means you can use either --launch-product OR --launch-application. The square brackets mean the argument or the group of arguments is optional. Below is a description of command-line arguments that the Report Generator executable accepts:

Command-Line Arguments


Note: These command-line arguments are not compatible with advanced arguments.


The Report Generator will monitor only the product with which it has been supplied. For example, if your Report Generator has been supplied with TestComplete, it will monitor TestComplete only.

--desktop process_name1[, process_name2, …, process_nameN]

The Report Generator will monitor the product and the specified Windows Desktop applications. You specify applications by their executable names. For example, notepad or Orders.exe.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and the Chrome web browser.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and the Firefox web browser.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and the Internet Explorer web browser.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and the Edge web browser.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and Android devices connected to your computer.


The Report Generator will monitor the product and iOS devices connected to your computer.


Note: These command-line arguments correspond to Advanced options of the Report Generator. We recommend that you use them only when you know what you are doing.
These arguments are not compatible with the recommended arguments.

--launch-product (or -p)

Launches the product, with which the Report Generator was supplied, in debug mode and collects information about its run. If the product is running, the Report Generator attaches to its process and starts tracing its run.

For example, if you got the Report Generator along with TestComplete, this argument will launch TestComplete in debug mode. If you got the Report Generator along with TestExecute, this argument will launch TestExecute, and so on.

--launch-application application_name (or -l application_name)

Launches and traces the run of the application specified by the application_name parameter. For instance, you can use the following syntax: -l notepad or -l "C:\Apps\My App.exe".

Note: If the application_name value contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--application-command-line command_line_arguments (or -c command_line_arguments)

Specifies the command-line parameters of the launched application.

Note: If the value of the command_line_arguments parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--application-working-directory folder_name (or -d folder_name)

Specifies the working directory of the launched application.

Note: If the value of the folder_name parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--attach-to-process process_name_or_ID (or -a process_name_or_ID)

Attaches to the process specified by its name or ID. For instance, you can use the following syntax: -a notepad or -a 1024.

--generate-dump report folder (or -u report_folder)

Generates a memory dump for the tracked application and saves it to the specified folder. Can be used only when the --attach-to-process launch argument is used; otherwise, it will be ignored.

The Report Generator saves the memory dump file right after the Report Generator attaches to the process. Then, the Report Generator exits.

Note: If the value of the report_folder parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--track-application-launch application_name (or -t application_name)

Tracks the launch of the application specified by the application_name parameter automatically.

Note: If the value of the application_name parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--multiple-tracking (or -m)

Commands to launch a new instance of the Report Generator for each instance of the tracked application. This feature is very helpful when you need to monitor several instances of one application at the same time.

You can use the -m key only with the -t key.

--legacy-tracking (or -y)

Enables the legacy tracking mode. This mode does not support the automatic tracking of launched applications and also has some other specific restrictions (mostly applied to multi-process applications).

--no-aero-style (or -e)

Disables the Aero style used for the graphical user interface (GUI).


You can use these arguments with both recommended and advanced arguments.

--version (or -v)

Opens the dialog that contains information about the product’s version.

--help (or -h)

Opens the help file supplied with the Report Generator.

--cleanse (or -n)

Removes the consequences of the Report Generator’s disorderly closedown. For instance, this argument commands the Report Generator to remove all the tracking settings from the system.

--generate-report report folder (or -g report_folder)

Saves the generated report to the specified folder.

If you use the --product-only, --desktop, --chrome, --firefox, --ie, --edge, --android, or --ios launch arguments, the Report Generator saves the report when the traced application is closed, or when the Report Generator or the current user session is closed.

If you use the --launch-product, --launch-application, --attach-to-process, or --track-application-launch arguments, the Report Generator saves the report when the traced application is closed or when the Report Generator tracks an unhandled exception in the traced application.

Note: If the value of the report_folder parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.

--storage-directory storage folder name

By default, the Report Generator stores the temporary report files (messages to post to the report, dump files) to the Temp folder. Use the argument to specify another folder to which the Report Generator should store the temporary files.

Note: If the value of the storage_folder_name parameter contains spaces, enclose it in quotes.


All instances of the Report Generator running on your computer stop monitoring any applications and exit immediately. Those Report Generator instances that were launched with the --generate-report argument will generate the report before exiting.


  • The arguments are separated by spaces.
  • The arguments are case-sensitive.
  • The arguments order does not matter.
  • If the argument value contains a quote, add a backslash before the quotation mark - \".


Below are several examples of running the Report Generator via the command line.

  • The following command runs the Report Generator and then starts monitoring the product with which the utility is supplied:

    ReportGenerator.exe --product-only

  • The following command runs the Report Generator and then starts monitoring the product and the Orders application:

    ReportGenerator.exe --desktop orders.exe

  • The following command runs the Report Generator and then starts monitoring the product and the Edge web browser:

    ReportGenerator.exe --edge

  • The following command runs the Report Generator and then starts monitoring the product and connected iOS devices:

    ReportGenerator.exe --ios

  • The following command runs the Report Generator and then launches the product with which it is supplied. If the product is running, the Report Generator attaches to its process and traces its run.

    ReportGenerator.exe -p

  • The following command runs notepad.exe with the TestFile.txt file open in it and then traces the launched application.

    ReportGenerator.exe -l C:\Windows\notepad.exe -c "C:\My Files\TestFile.txt"

  • The following command runs the Report Generator, starts monitoring the notepad.exe application, and saves the generated report to the C:\work\reports folder.

    ReportGenerator.exe --desktop notepad.exe --generate-report "C:\work\reports"

Note: The sample command lines above may split into two or more lines. This is a visual effect that depends on the width of the help viewer’s window. When specifying a command line for the Report Generator, type all command-line arguments on the same line.
  • For the command line to wait until the execution is over, you can use the START command. For example, the following command runs the Report Generator, specifies the folder to which the reports should be stored, and starts monitoring the product and the Orders application. Then it starts a TestComplete test and, after the test run is over, commands the Report Generator to save the reports and exit:

    START "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 14\x64\Bin\ReportGenerator.exe" --desktop orders.exe --generate-report "C:\work\reports"
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 14\x64\Bin\TestComplete.exe" "C:\tests\Orders\Orders.pjs" /Run /Exit
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 14\x64\Bin\ReportGenerator.exe" --stop-monitoring

    This may come in handy if you need to monitor an application during an unattended test run.

See Also

Introducing Report Generator
Working With the Report Generator

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