TabStop Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

Specifies whether the component can be selected by the Tab key.


Read-Write Property Boolean
componentObj     One of the user forms components listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:

TcxButton, TcxButtonEdit, TcxCalcEdit, TcxCheckBox, TcxComboBox, TcxCurrencyEdit, TcxDateEdit, TcxGroupBox, TcxLabel, TcxListBox, TcxMemo, TcxMRUEdit, TcxProgressBar, TcxRadioGroup, TcxSpinEdit, TcxTextEdit, TcxTimeEdit, TPanel


The TabStop property specifies whether the component is in the tab order. If TabStop is True, the user can focus the control using the Tab key.

Property Value

True, if the component can be selected by the Tab key; False otherwise.


To specify the component’s index in the tab order, use the TabOrder property.

To exclude the component from the tab order, set its TabStop to False. The component’s tab index will be kept, but the component will not be selected by the Tab key.

See Also

TabOrder Property
WantTabs Property

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