OnCloseUp Event

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

Occurs when a drop-down window of a component is closed.


OnCloseUp(Sender) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Object

Applies To

The event applies to the following components:

TcxCalcEdit, TcxComboBox, TcxDateEdit, TcxMRUEdit


The TcxCalcEdit, TcxDateEdit and TcxMRUEdit components use the drop-down window to let users specify the desired value. The OnCloseUp event occurs when the drop-down window is closed. This happens when a user selects a value from the drop-down window or when a mouse click occurs outside of the window.


The event has the following parameter:


A user form component that raised the event.

See Also

Handling Events in User Forms
OnInitPopup Event
OnPopup Event

Highlight search results