OSInfo Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The OSInfo object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
Edition The edition of the operating system: Professional, Enterprise, Server and so on.
FullName The full name of the operating system. It includes the company name, the operating system name and information about the installed service packs.
MediaCenter Indicates whether you are working under an operating system that includes Windows Media Center.
Name The short name of the operating system.
NetCoreCount The number of different versions of Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtimes (CLRs) installed on the local computer.
NetCoreVersion Returns the version of a .NET Framework CLR by its index.
RemoteSession Indicates whether TestComplete is running in a remote session.
ServicePackVersion The version of the installed service pack.
SystemDirectory Returns the path to the Windows system folder.
TabletPC Indicates whether TestComplete is running on the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system.
TempDirectory Returns the path to the Windows temporary folder.
Version Operating system version.
VirtualPC Indicates whether TestComplete is running on a Virtual PC virtual machine.
VMWare Indicates whether TestComplete is running on a VMware virtual machine.
Windows64bit Indicates whether TestComplete is running on a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
WindowsDirectory The directory in which the operating system is installed.

See Also

OSInfo Object

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