UserForm Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The UserForm object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
Caption Specifies the form’s caption.
ChildControl Returns the form’s child control by index.
ChildControlByName Returns the form’s child control by name.
ChildControlCount Returns the total number child controls on a form.
ClientHeight Returns the height of the form’s client area.
ClientWidth Returns the width of the form’s client area.
Component Returns the form component by index.
ComponentByName Returns the form component by name.
ComponentCount Returns the total number of form components.
Height Specifies the form height.
Left Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the form’s left edge.
ModalResult Specifies the form’s modal result.
Name Returns the form name.
Top Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the form’s top edge.
Visible Specifies whether the form is visible on the screen.
Width Specifies the form width.

See Also

UserForm Object

Highlight search results