TestedAppParams Object Properties

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The TestedAppParams object contains the following properties:

Property List

Name Description
ActiveParams Returns the object that provides a scripting interface to the parameters of the currently selected run mode.
AIRParams Obsolete. Returns the TestedAppAIRParams object that provides a scripting interface to the tested AIR application parameters.
ClickOnceParams Obsolete. Returns the TestedAppClickOnceParams object object that provides a scripting interface to the tested ClickOnce application parameters.
DebugParams Returns the TestedAppDebugParams object that provides a scripting interface to Debug run mode parameters.
JavaParams Obsolete. Returns the TestedAppJavaParams object that provides a scripting interface to the tested Java application parameters.
ProfileParams Returns the TestedAppProfileParams object that provides a scripting interface to parameters of the Profile run mode.
RunAsParams Returns the TestedAppRunAsParams object that provides a scripting interface to parameters of the RunAs run mode.
SimpleParams Returns the TestedAppSimpleParams object that provides a scripting interface to parameters of the Simple run mode.
VirtualWebParams Obsolete. Returns the TestedAppVirtualWebParams object containing the parameters of the mobile browser emulator added to the Tested Applications collection.
WebParams Obsolete. Returns the TestedAppWebParams object that provides a scripting interface to the tested Web application parameters.

See Also

TestedAppParams Object

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