Styles Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019
This property is provided by the legacy OCR plugin. In version 12.60, the plugin was replaced with the new Optical Character Recognition plugin powered by Google Cloud Vision API. To learn more, see Optical Character Recognition.
The legacy OCR plugin was removed from TestComplete in version 12.60. If you need to use objects, methods, and properties provided by the legacy plugin with this version of TestComplete, please contact our Customer Care team. The legacy OCR plugin was restored in TestComplete version 14.0. To use the objects, methods, and properties with this or later TestComplete version, you need to install and enable the plugin manually.


The Font.Styles property lets you get an IntCollection object that represents a collection of styles for the given font that will be used during character recognition. Individual font styles in this collection must be specified by the corresponding integer values: Regular -1, Bold - 2, Italic - 3, Underlined - 4.

If you only need Normal style for the given font, there is no need to specify the style collection for this font.



Read-Only Property An IntCollection object
FontObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to a Font object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

An IntCollection object that represents the font style collection.


To view an example that demonstrates how to use the Styles property, see the General Recognition Procedure section of the Using Optical Character Recognition - Overview topic.

See Also

IntCollection Object
Name Property
Sizes Property
Using Optical Character Recognition

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