Highlighting Settings

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The Highlighting group of the Code Editor’s settings specifies the highlighting format for different syntax elements.

The list of syntax elements is displayed on the left of the dialog. There are several settings for each syntax element. Some of the elements, for example, selected text, have fewer options than other elements. The entire set is as follows:

  • Colors - Specifies the foreground and background colors for the selected element.

  • Text attributes - Font style (bold, italic, underlined and strikeout -- B, I, U and S).

As you change the syntax elements’ settings, TestComplete automatically applies these changes, so that you can preview them directly in the Code Editor.

You can either define the highlighting settings yourself, or load the settings that are used in Visual Studio or Delphi:

  • To import Microsoft Visual Studio highlighting settings, press Import Visual Studio Highlighting. This feature supports Microsoft Visual Studio version 7.x, 2005 and 2008. If you have several versions installed on your computer, the settings of the latest available version will be imported.

  • To import the highlighting settings of Borland Developer Studio or CodeGear RAD Studio, press Import BDS Highlighting. This feature requires that Borland Developer Studio version 2006 or CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 or later is installed on your computer.

  • To import Delphi highlighting settings, press Import Delphi Highlighting. This feature requires that Borland Delphi 7 be installed on your computer.

To restore the default highlighting settings, press Restore Default Highlighting.

Note that the Code Editor supports displaying source files written in various programming languages, not only scripting languages used by TestComplete. You can use it to view and edit C#, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Java and other source files. All of these languages have different keywords, different syntax, rules for comments and so on. In the table that is displayed at the bottom of the page, you can specify which highlighting rules the Editor will use to display these types of files. The value shown in the Language column is the parser that TestComplete will use to highlight source code in the Editor panel. The Extensions column specifies the files’ extensions that the parser will work with. For instance, the following row --

Language Extension
C# *.cs; *.scs

-- means that the Editor will treat .cs and .scs files as C# files.

To modify a file type, click the desired Extensions cell and type the desired value. Specify the file types with the asterisk and the leading point. Use semicolons to separate multiple types.

To close the dialog and save the changes, click OK. Cancel will close the dialog and discard all changes.

The highlighting settings can be exported to and imported from a file via the Export Settings and Import Settings dialogs.

See Also

Code Editor Options
Code Editor
Syntax Highlighting

Highlight search results