Log Options Dialog

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The options in this dialog affect the test log. To call the Log Options dialog, select Tools | Options from the main menu and then select Engines | Log from the tree displayed on the left side of the resulting Options dialog.

You can change the following options --

  • Activate after test run - If this option is enabled, TestComplete will automatically display the test log at the end of each test run.

  • Open logs in the same panel - If this option is enabled, TestComplete shows test logs in the same page opened in the Workspace panel. That is, when you double-click a log node in the Project Explorer, TestComplete does not create a new page for the selected log, but display the selected results within an existing log page. If the option is disabled, TestComplete always displays results in a new page in the Workspace panel.

  • Show Log on pause - If this option is enabled, TestComplete will display the test log window in the Workspace panel when you pause the test execution. The log window is titled Pause Log. It contains messages that have been posted to the log when the test is paused. The window is hidden automatically after you resume the test run. The pause log is not added to the test log tree that is displayed in the Project Explorer panel.

    To help you analyze intermediate test results, TestComplete highlights the last message (if any) posted to the Pause Log window.

  • Storage

    • Store all logs - If this option is enabled, TestComplete keeps logs on all test runs. Otherwise, the number of stored logs is limited by the Number of recent logs to keep option.

    • Number of recent logs to keep - Specifies the number of test runs whose logs will be kept in a TestComplete project suite and project. If Store all logs is on, this option is ignored.

See Also

TestComplete Options
Test Results
Managing Log Files
Specifying Log Images Format

Highlight search results